Andreh - Ray's classes?

Hey Andreh,

Does Rey offer classes on Friday nights/days? or Saturdays?

Can you give me an email to set up some private lessons with Rey the weekend of June 10th?

Also, can anyone recommend anyone else to train with in LA as well?




steve - my brother who is 10x better than me :) trains at Reys and only has really good things to say about him. Jamie Gazie from Tiger has done privates with Rey and spoke volumes about him too. He has really affordable privates from what I hear.

oh yeah, I should also say that I met Rey and he was extremely nice to me, but also a scary looking guy.

"Also, can anyone recommend anyone else to train with in LA as well?"

How about training with Rener and Ryron at the Gracie Academy. I'm told that you get a lot of personal attention and that their classes and private lessons are jam packed with information.



"Does Rey offer classes on Friday nights/days? or Saturdays? "

Friday night is open mat from 7pm-9pm. There is a great class on Saturday at noon. On Sunday we have another open mat for the team at 11:30am. It would be great to have you there!

"Can you give me an email to set up some private lessons with Rey the weekend of June 10th? "

"Also, can anyone recommend anyone else to train with in LA as well? "

Whooo...this is going to be a long list:

I highly recommend a visit to Marcus at BHJJC, Sean Williams in Hollywood, Eddie Bravo in Hollywood, Rickson, the Gracie Academy in Torrance, Renato Magno's school in Santa Monica, Marcelo Cavalcanti in Redondo Beach, Wander Braga in Los Angeles, and R1 (rAw) in El Segundo. There are more, but those are probably closest to you. You really cant go wrong at any of them.


I'll shoot you an email about the privates, thanks bro.

Yo Fatbuddha, your brother trains out there? that's cool!

Hey Calbert, I actually trained with Rey about 3 years ago (Andreh was nice enough to parter with me - he had just gotten his Purple, I believe), and he really impressed me with this attitude. Jamie trained with Rey some as well? That's cool, I didn't know that.

I usually go out to LA once a year to train with Guro Dan, but this time, I'm bringing one of my friends and we're making it a BJJ trip...

Thanks guys!


Anyone know how to get in touch with Renato Magno, that's pretty close to where I'm staying?

hey Steve! - yeah my bro trains out there (moved there recently, still looking for his own place) - he is friends with Andreh so I'm sure Andreh will introduce you to him. Hope all is well, have a great trip,
- FB

Andreh I emailed you also regarding directions and lessons. Reply when you get a chance please. Thanks!



Can you resend the email? I dont think I got it. Thanks!

Steve, those dates sound good. I will just confirm with Rey and reply to your email this week.

Thanks guys!

Sending now

Thanks Andreh!

Hey Perry, I know John and his wife, he was talking to me about how much he enjoys training with Rey when I was there in March!

Maybe I'll run into you when I'm there!



Renato can be reached at 310 396 5287.

Cool, thanks quidditch!


I think it is worth mentioning that FatBuddha's brother is extremely gay! (Yes extremely, much more gay than your average gay person)

So your brother and Andre are friends huh?


Hey Andreh, have you had a chance to check with Rey yet, bro?
