Andrew Tate: Average man would beat world champion female fighter

I think a lot of members here have a sporting background, there are a lot of really subpar men out there that have no athletic background, they would have a lot of trouble with a trained female.

I remember watching the Sunshine fight, that’s pretty much how it would go unless the dude was an athlete.


I am out of shape and have these qualities. I’m a pretty average man. I’ve also rolled with seasoned women as a white belt and have had women hold pads. My opinion is that of an average man.

Lmao wishful thinking.


Lmao that is not an “average man”. This is, except add 30 lbs of flab:

And even the guys in your gif get smoked by Valentina. You’re straight up delusional.

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LOL Valentina is about half the size of those guys and would get manhandled. That gif you posted actually proves my point.

Now add hair grabbing and slamming.

Valentina can beat “some” men but loses to MOST men.

The difference between men and women are that high. Now go back to watching your favourite movie Atomic Blonde.


You understand performing a throw requires training right? Most dudes dont know how to throw a punch let alone alone a throw. And you’re talking about high level female mma fighters who get thrown around the gym on a regular basis. You’re delusional.

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Have you actually been in a fight? There is a vast difference between someone who has been training how to strike and grapple for even a month vs the average person walking around. Size matters, but not when we’re talking about a completely untrained slob.

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These are drunk bums. They are not average men. The average man played a sport in high school, has some athletic acumen, and while has 30 extra lbs they don’t want, can take a few shots from a 135 pound skilled female to get a clinch. The women would also stay on the outside for a while in hopes to gas out the much larger, stronger, man with a better reach. They really wouldn’t want the smoke if they knew he was going ham.

Lmao start from the knees- exactly- I am a Bjj BB, Judo BB , Sambo Candidate to master and this bullshit of woman being equal is laughable. Some woman are tough. Some woman have bigger balls than some men. But that’s like seeing a unicorn man! I like woman and appreciate tough woman but let’s be real. Combat sports is a man’s world plain and simple


I tell you what - take an nfl lineman vs a Bjj purple belt- I go with NFL guy 9 out of 10 times


You are just frustrated the BJJ girls won’t date you! -AOC

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I think a lot of people overestimate what “average” is. Average is some guy who has never set foot on the mat or done much if anything beyond hit a heavy bag to impress his bros. Most average guys don’t work out regularly, have been in few fights and do not understand the dynamics of being in a fight. Size and natural strength don’t go that far. I have rolled with beginners who are extremely strong but totally clueless. I would not bet on them in a fight against a highly trained woman.


I wouldn’t. I have actually seen that exact thing happen and it did not go the way you think.

Lmao- Bjj girls for the most part are pathetic. I date hot chicks and can care less about some mutt who scrambles to pay $195 a month dues. Go make me a McRib and keep quiet- nerd

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Right off the bat this isnt true.


Absolute bullshit. The average man is surely obese, completely out of shape and never had a fight.

Oh and this Tate fella is embarrassing. How people care what he has to say is incredible.


Ok my friend is a NFL lineman - 6’4 340ish - no training - I will put him against you for $10K ? Pony up

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What a Beta

You’re talking about athletes participating against other highly trained athletes. A highly trained woman against some random guy who has no training would go badly for that man. The guy in that video wasn’t holding back. He just got his ass kicked. Once he figured out Sunshine could actually hit him hard he was done. He knew he couldn’t win. If she had wanted to really hurt him, she could have. That is your average guy right there.