Angela Magana has a service dog

That will be walking her to the Octagon in Detroit…She said if the UFC tried to stop her, she would sue.

I hate this butch

Goddamnit, so that job is taken too??


Shit…if anyone needs mental help, it’s that one.

LawlerPushedInMyBrownEye - That will be walking her to the Octagon in Detroit......She said if the UFC tried to stop her, she would sue.

I hate this butch

Lol these fucking cage fighters get dumber and dumber with each wave of TUF fighters funneled in to UFC. Hope they stop her and she actually sues.

Well to be fair, she is mentally ill.

What does she need the dog for exactly?

This is actually pretty hilarious

Ptsd for being hit by Cyborg who will be in attendance on Saturday.

NYBAss -

I am a disabled vet with a service dog. It was hell trying to get it all squared away andbthe cost was upwards of 8k. It is for my ptsd-80%. What is hers for?

damn thats expensive. 25$ bag of mushrooms would of saved you hella money

NYBAss - 

I am a disabled vet with a service dog. It was hell trying to get it all squared away andbthe cost was upwards of 8k. It is for my ptsd-80%. What is hers for?


I hope she has a legit service dog but I don't believe her.

People like that ruin for legit service animals.

Yea its a pitbull too. 

BreakALegAndy! - 

She looks like shit naked 

i concur

wish i hadnt seen her fappening page

such manly boobs

CaptainNemo -
NYBAss - 

I am a disabled vet with a service dog. It was hell trying to get it all squared away andbthe cost was upwards of 8k. It is for my ptsd-80%. What is hers for?


I hope she has a legit service dog but I don't believe her.

People like that ruin for legit service animals.

I think if you can’t handle walking to an octagon without one you can’t handle fighting

ok so a service dog is for mental or physical deficiencies.

if she is admitting this, there is no way she is fit to fight and should be cleared

basically, this is all likely BS

so the dog services her?

nickmcd - 
NYBAss -

I am a disabled vet with a service dog. It was hell trying to get it all squared away andbthe cost was upwards of 8k. It is for my ptsd-80%. What is hers for?

damn thats expensive. 25$ bag of mushrooms would of saved you hella money

nickmcd -

Member Since: 2/28/07

Posts: 74

7.4 posts a year and this was one of them? Up your game, son.

cunt licking dog

love her

She should be the fucking service dog. Woof