Anik Rogan = no can defend

Cementhead - It feels cheap lol

Agreesd'd Phone Post

What the night REALLY needs is a bucket of ice spilt all over the mat. Phone Post

agreed - Joe and Anik, the new Bas and Quadros

Anik is incredibly smooth and doing on awesome job, Joe is part of UFC history and irreplaceable. Kenny has this job because he's earned it. Stephan is doing well too. Why is there such a need to attack, does it feel cooler in some way?

JTfromCharlotte - 
Tad Ghostal - 
JTfromCharlotte - Not a fan of Anik or KFlo.

BTW.. "no can defend". WTF.. can we talk like adults around here please? This isn't reddit or 4chan.

LOL at you showing your age.

"If do right..."


 Just... just leave. Forever.

UGCTT_THE Kevin Chandler -  Signed

Cosigned Phone Post