Normally, I have very flexible knees and ankles. I have been off for a month and a half with forced inactivity though. Yesterday was my third day back. I was caught in a toe hold. Normally these don't even bother me. I do not think that I have been ever previously tapped from one. Last night, my ankle popped. Loudly. Now, my knees and ankles pop occasionally due to pressure, but this was loud. I didn't feel too bad last night, finished out rolling. I went back home, iced my ankle, then took a place to soak it. Afterwards, I put on icy hot. I noticed that there was swelling on the front part of the knob. Today there is a dull pain when I am not really moving but it is on the Achilles more than anything and I feel like I have normal range of motion. What I wanted to do was ankle brace it, wrap it, and give it a couple days. I think it feels pretty much normal but hurt. I know my body pretty well, but does anyone think it is a bad idea to give it a few days to see how it feels before possibly taking any other actions?
Ankle injuries can take time to 'mature' from my experience. In '03 I had a sloppy triangle on a kid and I tried to roll him to mounted triangle. As we came around my ankle popped loud enough that the class grimissed.
I did not hurt until the next day. The swelling increased for several days and I was tender for several months.
My advise is to watch it closely. Buy either a neoprene ankle brace, but if it gets really bad, get an ankle brace with laces.
Time off is always good, but I would be hypocritical if I told you to take time off... I never have.
Oh, and tap to toe holds! Once the ankle gives, the knee is next and that gets expensive.
I tore something in my ankle almost a year ago. Heard it and felt it at the same time. Kinda a burning sensation. Then pain went away after a couple days. When ever I walk my ankle pops realy loud. Did not hurt just made alot of noise. Till recently. Now it starting to hurt even when I'm sitting. Point is, Because I didnt take care of it the right way, now I'm paying for it now just like my shoulder that I've damaged on several occasions. I would suggest seeing a doc. Ankles, Knees and shoulders have so much movement in them they are easily injured.
Ice it, every day regardless if it hurts or not. NO HEAT, it will make the swelling worse. If there is no bruising take ibuprofen, if there is bruising take acetametaphen. Give it two or three days of solid rest to see how it feels. If you continue to roll, practice only from your guard so you can minimize pressur on it.
I just had this same problem with a toe-hold. It was actually a situation where we were both going for leglocks at the same time, and I actually had the toe-hold applied but didn't twist it too hard for fear of injuring him. Unfortunately, he felt no such compunction and he just twisted it as hard as he could and I heard a loud pop and searing pain - that is a scary feeling, for anyone who hasn't had a mean toe-hold thrown on. Anyway, I was very lucky it didn't break my ankle, but I did keep it elevated that night and I iced it and didn't roll for a week, and now I'm 100% fine. So just be gentle with it and ice it.