anthony smith is half black???

Thats crazy did you see the countdown when he had hair? crazy with a bald head he looks like hes white.

uh oh

he looked like a human to me

Dude is a Helluva Fighter...that is all that matters

Everybody knew this?

Ive seen my share of mixed kids but never one that could pass for white like that.

Mind blown

Pic with hair?

I thought it was pretty obvious he was half black. Light skin shade, facial features, and his frame should have told the story. 

Where is this non sense coming from that hes half black lol? blm racists always trying to claim everyone, smh. I would like to see a legit source on that one. Only thing I've heard is people saying that Smith said he was part Native American (I can see that being true)

KnockoutThoughts -

I thought it was pretty obvious he was half black. Light skin shade, facial features, and his frame should have told the story. 

Yea I thought he had African American blood too. Just by looking at him.

You can tell just by looking at him he is mixed.

Pat Barry is mixed aswell. Dont see why this is a shock.

Derek Jeter

Jason Kidd

That guy from the show Prison Break

Kidd from Kid and Play

Yes some mixed people are light as shit.

ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Where is this non sense coming from that hes half black lol? blm racists always trying to claim everyone else, smh. I would like to see a legit source on that one. Only thing I've heard is people saying that Smith said he was part Native American (I can see that being true)

“Born in Corpus Christi, Texas, Smith grew up in Nebraska City.[5] He was raised by his single mother and grandfather, as his dad was absent.”

Oh…I don’t know…you tell me.

ConorWinsTheRematch - 

Where is this non sense coming from that hes half black lol? blm racists always trying to claim everyone else, smh. I would like to see a legit source on that one. Only thing I've heard is people saying that Smith said he was part Native American (I can see that being true)

“Born in Corpus Christi, Texas, Smith grew up in Nebraska City.[5] He was raised by his single mother and grandfather, as his dad was absent.”

Oh…I don’t know…you tell me.

That’s rascist bro… his dad coulda been his white half lol 

Rambo John J -

uh oh

he looked like a human to me

Dude is a Helluva Fighter...that is all that matters

I dOnT sEe CoLoR

lol @ all the SJW's in here sayin it's not a big deal. OP just learned of it and made a thread about it to discuss. Settle down, put your pitch forks away.

This thread with no pics is like a chick with no tits. 

What's even crazier is how OP was dumb enough to look at Smith's phenotype and not immediately recognize the fact.

DA fucking pic! Where is it?

Pretty obvious he is mixed. 

He looks like a Kane Brown on steroids. 

Looks just like napolean ice cream

KnockoutThoughts - 

I thought it was pretty obvious he was half black. Light skin shade, facial features, and his frame should have told the story. 

There is such a thing as a black frame?