Any BJJ (Gi) Tips for a Beginner?

So I'm new to the BJJ section of the Underground app, but January 11th I am starting BJJ. The class I can attend due to work is a Gi BJJ class.

Any tips? Advice? No-no's?

I've trained kickboxing primarily before with MMA as an addition so very minute knowledge in Wrestling and BJJ. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm super nervous and I want to make the most of the lessons :) thank you in advance.

gi is useless, go no gi school

Wash your gi after each training session and have fun.

I was telling a coworker who is interested in starting bjj to keep your mouth shut. I mean literally keep your mouth shut when you first start until you figure out who the weirdos are when you roll. The last thing you want is a nipple in your mouth from the strange guy who is mounted on you and feels the need to rub his hairy nipple on your lips. Wait until you know how to shrimp and move to avoid body parts being inserted into your mouth. Then you can breathe with your mouth open. Unless you’re into that kind of thing

things to see people to do - I was telling a coworker who is interested in starting bjj to keep your mouth shut. I mean literally keep your mouth shut when you first start until you figure out who the weirdos are when you roll. The last thing you want is a nipple in your mouth from the strange guy who is mounted on you and feels the need to rub his hairy nipple on your lips. Wait until you know how to shrimp and move to avoid body parts being inserted into your mouth. Then you can breathe with your mouth open. Unless you're into that kind of thing

You speak from experience?

things to see people to do - I was telling a coworker who is interested in starting bjj to keep your mouth shut. I mean literally keep your mouth shut when you first start until you figure out who the weirdos are when you roll. The last thing you want is a nipple in your mouth from the strange guy who is mounted on you and feels the need to rub his hairy nipple on your lips. Wait until you know how to shrimp and move to avoid body parts being inserted into your mouth. Then you can breathe with your mouth open. Unless you're into that kind of thing

I feel this is far more valuable than what people may initially think. Thank you!

Nostradamus32 -

Wash your gi after each training session and have fun.

Thank you, I would definitely wash my go after a session, couldn't imagine the nasties that could come of not doing that.

MarsMan -
Kryptboy - 


Any tips? Advice? No-no's?


Make sure you are well hydrated before class (just don't wait till the last minute and have a full gallon on your stomach)... being dehydrated increases your chance of getting injured, and might make you feel more tired during class (or even sick).

Ask questions about the current move being taught, if you have any, but avoid "what if" questions for now, so you can concentrate on a single sequence of movements.

After class, make a mental review of what you learned and the important details.

Trim fingernails and toenails.



Thank you. That is well noted. I learnt that first lesson the hard way during my early days of kickboxing. Turned up full bellied and it was horrible. Never again. Wouldn't fancy rolling with a water belly either. 

Guys the advice so far has been very much appreciated absolutely anything you deem necessary please let me know. :)

Robobear -
things to see people to do - I was telling a coworker who is interested in starting bjj to keep your mouth shut. I mean literally keep your mouth shut when you first start until you figure out who the weirdos are when you roll. The last thing you want is a nipple in your mouth from the strange guy who is mounted on you and feels the need to rub his hairy nipple on your lips. Wait until you know how to shrimp and move to avoid body parts being inserted into your mouth. Then you can breathe with your mouth open. Unless you're into that kind of thing

You speak from experience?

Unfortunately yes :(

Heard this amazing line from someone on reddit:

"If you don't know what you're doing, doing it harder probably isn't the answer"

If you take a shit before class, shower....

Keep showing up.

Shower before class if possible.

Use deodorant please (no one likes rolling with a stink person)

Try not to spaz ( its hard not too go all out because to put it simply you dont know what to do…yet)

Breathe and stay calm in bad positions (white belt is about surviving in the beginning, once you get some experience then the real fun begins)

Pick and choose your partners wisely (not saying your not capable of holding your own but we all know that one guy that trains like hes in a actual fight)(also find a partner thats not going to fuck around during drilling. Imo thats the best time to learn the move and ask the coach if youre doing it wrong.

Ask questions and question everything ( i get what some people say in not annoying your coach with questions but if youre unsure with a technique ask away. A good coach will tell you why or why not you should do a certain technique or be in a certain position.

Have an open mind to techniques (just because it doesnt work for you, doesnt mean the technique doesnt work. Theres a time and a place for every technique)

Have fun ( you learn the fastest when youre having fun) if its not fun why do it?

Tap!!! ( if something feels uncomfortable tap. Ive tapped more times then i can even count. Theres ego surrounding the tap, that your submitting to another man or woman. Who cares? Its better than going home with a broken arm. Or having a hard time chewing food. Tap everyone taps.

Oh and keep showing up. I put that twice because its the most important out of everything. You cant become good at something if you arent showing up. You WILL get frustrated, mad, pissed, etc. It will happen. But keep going every chance you get. Show up with a good attitude everyday and learn. You cant cut with a dull blade right?

Anyways have fun and dont quit once you start. Congrats on your journey.

Oh and shower good immediately after class if possible. Basically you dont want to let something like ringworm sideline you from training.

Habbiyah - Keep showing up.

Shower before class if possible.

Use deodorant please (no one likes rolling with a stink person)

Try not to spaz ( its hard not too go all out because to put it simply you dont know what to do…yet)

Breathe and stay calm in bad positions (white belt is about surviving in the beginning, once you get some experience then the real fun begins)

Pick and choose your partners wisely (not saying your not capable of holding your own but we all know that one guy that trains like hes in a actual fight)(also find a partner thats not going to fuck around during drilling. Imo thats the best time to learn the move and ask the coach if youre doing it wrong.

Ask questions and question everything ( i get what some people say in not annoying your coach with questions but if youre unsure with a technique ask away. A good coach will tell you why or why not you should do a certain technique or be in a certain position.

Have an open mind to techniques (just because it doesnt work for you, doesnt mean the technique doesnt work. Theres a time and a place for every technique)

Have fun ( you learn the fastest when youre having fun) if its not fun why do it?

Tap!!! ( if something feels uncomfortable tap. Ive tapped more times then i can even count. Theres ego surrounding the tap, that your submitting to another man or woman. Who cares? Its better than going home with a broken arm. Or having a hard time chewing food. Tap everyone taps.

Oh and keep showing up. I put that twice because its the most important out of everything. You cant become good at something if you arent showing up. You WILL get frustrated, mad, pissed, etc. It will happen. But keep going every chance you get. Show up with a good attitude everyday and learn. You cant cut with a dull blade right?

Anyways have fun and dont quit once you start. Congrats on your journey.

Great stuff. All of it.  Very, very good suggestions.

Wow guys all your help has been greatly appreciated. I've taken it on board. A lot of it transports over from kickboxing and the very little rolling I've done elsewhere I definitely had no issue tapping. I don't carry an ego which seems as though some of you have had the unpleasant tasks of coming up against. But thankfully I won't be that guy. You guys have given me a much more positive/confident approach. Thank you all 

Also I'd add underhooks, underhooks, underhooks. And wrist control.  Play defense exclusively at first, then you'll be able to feel when someone is over skis and you can start looking for sweeps and getting position, only then would I start looking for offense.  

But honestly though a brown belt told me a long time ago that underhooks are the difference between a white and blue. Obviously that's oversimplifying to a great degree but there's a lot of truth to what he said. 

Don't get overloaded with information. Two things: You are either inhibiting the opponents ability to move critically in order to takedown, sweep, control or apply submission, OR -conversely-  you are creating movement space to counter-act the aforementioned situations. That's it. All points of leverage, techniques and strategies ever developed or yet to be developed are based on those two principals. The concept is simple, but the subject is deep.