Any KOTC tickeys still available?? I tried calling Mr. Rodley but there was no answer, figure he is crazy busy. I ask because Ticketmaster was saying no tickets available at this time.
Please dont tell me Im out of luck?? I really gotta watch my good buddies Farmer brown and Stephan Lamarche kick ass.
Anyone have tickets available of any kind, please email me at or answer here at this thread
We had a little over 400 seats left this morning but it appears there are only a few $100 seats left. We'll call the box office in the morning to check on it. I think Pete has a few left as well.
Ticketmaster screwed up and took them off sale. They should be back now, there are about 300 left in the $50 and $75 section. There are also about 50 left on the floor in the $100 priced seats.