Any Latest Riggs info...

i'm a Riggs fan how could i not be? He is a local fighter one that i have had the privledge to watch come up at local shows. I was really disappointed when he lost and hope that the UFC has him back, but if UFC does not, then i am sure that he will be back in the future.


Joe Riggs lost his daughter. She was very, very young.

"He loses almost every fight hes in. I dont see how he deserved to be in the UFC..."

As posted earlier in the thread, he's 4-4 in the is that losing almost every fight?

Again, who are the more deserving guys that deserve to be there instead of him?

Riggs seems like the UFC's latest Belfort/Baroni/Lawler-type fighter. He's a young good wrestler with heavy hands. Like the other 3 he sometimes wins against good competition in such impressive fashion that you think he's about to make a run through the division...and then follows it up with a mediocre performance or three.

Even if they never fulfill the promise they show, I'm a fan of all four.

I am sorry to hear about his daughter very sad my thought and prayers go out to him and his family


I know Riggs , he trains real hard, he has a passion for what he does, if you feel he doesnt belong in the UFC you should probuly re-think that statement(no offence intended). He is a hell of a fighter he does belong in the UFC.

                     Steve, Randy and Jeremy Hochuli.

He has had some dissapointing losses, but as others have mentioned they have come at the hands of very solid guys. If he fought all of these guys again, the outcome may be the same, but conversely it could be exactly the opposite. He definately belongs in the UFC in my opinion. It is extremely sad news to hear about his daughter.

Right now I would rather see Yves Edwards, Nick Diaz or David Loiseau back in the UFC than watch Riggs again.

Picks... If that were me...I don't know if I could survive. I can't imagine anyone loosing one of thier young children..
