Any Shogun/Ninja Seminars?

Just wondering if there any Shogun/Ninja Seminars taking place anywhere?

nyc and phily

They'd never come over here bro. Book your flight to Brazil if you wanna train with them.

dude, I think it was a joke.

If so, LOL!!

Good luck on finding any information here man. I still don't know how Wisconsin BJJ is doing.


Im sorry if I sound irritated r something, but a lot of people, mostly on the sherdog forum, complained about my threads. well, what's this forum for? One of its goals is to help MMA fans, fighters, promoters, etc to interact, and for people to see opportunities and be able to improve their game, etc.
When something like that happens, what is wrong about sending information to people that may be interested, and want to know about the seminars and attend it, when it can be the only opportunity they'll have to do so?
Mostly when there are endless pointless threads, that lead people to nowhere, and mostly when you just open and read what you want!
So, truly, this makes no sense and I don't understand why it upsets people so badly.

Not saying this was the case in this thread! Anyway, thanks for the patience =)


I think there is a seminar in boston also,im going to find the threads and ttt them for you.

Just got this in an e-mail from

"The Lancaster Family Martial Arts Center will host an MMA seminar with Pride veterans Murilo "Ninja" Rua and Mauricio "Shogun" Rua on Monday, January 16, 2006, from 6:30PM to 9:30PM at their Landisville academy, as part of a 2006 United States seminar series tour. The amazing cost is just $60.00 per person. The 25-year-old Ninja is a young Brazilian talent who has quickly shot up the ranks and is now recognized as one of the best fighters in his weight class. Ninja can terrorize his opponents with endless strikes from all angles, but if there is an opening he is more than capable of slipping in a sneaky submission. The 24-year-old Shogun is the 2005 Pride Grand Prix champion. He is an awesome striker and ferocious in the ring. The scariest part about Shogun is that he is one of the youngest fighters in the Pride, yet he already displays technical skill well beyond his years. The Rua brothers will go through the natural progress... stand up, clinching, takedowns, ground work, etc., showing techniques step by step with drilling and showing more of the training that made these Chute Boxe fighters international stars. Participants are encouraged to bring gloves, a cup, mouth piece, shin guards and mitts. There will be a short break during the seminar with pictures and a Q&A after the seminar. Tour t-shirts and gear will be available for sale at the seminar. Lancaster Family Martial Arts Center is located in the Hempfield Shopping Center at 301 Main Street, Suite E, Landisville, Pennsylvania. For more information, contact Mike Weisensee at or 717.898.6120."

I haven`t seen any word of them doing seminars in the U.S.

They are doing seminars but only at secret "Underground" locations.

If you want more info e-mail me at after I give you the info, you will be killed.


willie there are a bunch of east coast seminars coming up in January, maybe someone deleted the threads or a blue namer can go back and look for them

I think the NY one is at Blitz center

Nicest post ever, UJ!

UJ was correct, just having a little fun. No ill will meant, and your threads were not annoying. They're a hell of alot more appropriate than the religious tirades as of late anyway.

They are doing a USA tour right now!!!

I heard it was like $60 bucks for the siminar!!!

If so, thats a fucking STEAL!!!!!

If you find it, GO TO IT!!!

LOL, there's like 9,000 posts on these smeinars.

Hey, to have the opportunity to train with these guys in the US is truley something that should be posted all over. I don't have the time or money to go to Brazil. When was the last time most of you had the chance to learn from the Pride Middle weight Grand Prix Champ? And for that can't beat it

TTT for the seminars, especially the one in Philly!

"LOL, there's like 9,000 posts on these smeinars."

That was the humorous angle I was taking with this thread, Neckcranku. However, I am not a funny guy so this thread sucked ass, IMO.

Law Dog,

Be sure that I understood the sense of humor and didn't got pissed of by this thread! My comments were about other situations when people were kind of rude, moslty on the Sherdog Forum.
Plus, my point wasn't exactly just for being rude or whatever, but truly WHY that was bothering people so much, when as Daisy Duke said, it's something that people should think of as important information. Cause if it's not important to some, it's important to others, and people don't need to click on the threds that are bothering them. But once again, I truly have no problems with this thread =)

Take care man!

Eduardo Alonso.