Any way that Guida beats Mendes?

I just can't fathom it. I see Chad taking out to him, out wrestling, and even if the fight isn't exciting I would love to see Clay lose at his own game. Phone Post

It's one of those fights where Clay is outgunned in every area.  He's simply going up against a better version of himself.

Guida lost a split d to Maynard. Gameplans and judges can win this fight for anyone

WAR BUTTCHIN!!! Phone Post

That being said I have tickets to this and I would like to see Mendez give Guida a bit of a wakeup call. If Mendez finds himself down because of some point fighting bullshit he just needs to go full on The Last Boyscout on his ass

Nope, and with any luck, the pink slip will be ready.

I think Mendes can probably beat Guida up fairly well.

This fight would be like Roofies to me. I would sleep through all the humping and panting. Phone Post

Hopefully the fucking carpenter shows up.Usually when Guidas strengths get neutralized he throws caution to the win and puts on a great show.Although Greg Jackson seemed to change that in the Maynard fight. Phone Post

This happening? The #2 and #10 ranked guy are fighting? Phone Post