Will probably be attending in April. Any experiences and thoughts?
I have been to seminars with him when he visits our academy (I train at an affiliate in SC), and I went to the five brothers camp in Dallas last year. He is an amazing teacher (as are his brothers) and I have always gotten a lot out of his seminars. He often teaches concepts that you can apply to various situations or numerous approaches to a particular situation.
Are you going to the seminar in Asheville?
seminar was very good. good concepts.
his private lesson was stellar. an hour of rolling and fine tuning details.
SC MMA MD - I have been to seminars with him when he visits our academy (I train at an affiliate in SC), and I went to the five brothers camp in Dallas last year. He is an amazing teacher (as are his brothers) and I have always gotten a lot out of his seminars. He often teaches concepts that you can apply to various situations or numerous approaches to a particular situation.
Are you going to the seminar in Asheville?
Yeah,if I don't have to work. Are you under CTA Gracie Barra?
I train at Team Pitch Black in Simpsonville SC, with Carlos' father in law and brother in law
I used to train at one of his black belts schools in Texas. Carlos is a super nice guy and always brings great info to his seminars. Definitely one of the things I miss about my old academy.
Definitely do it. You'll walk away with something.
Yes I've been to a seminar with him before and it was awesome. I got some great guard passing principles and sone nice details on the cross choke from mount.
Yes, it was fantastic. I use what I learned all the time. A few things he showed were really game-changers.
Plus, he's nice, funny and keeps it lively.
awesome. Often goes around the room first and asks what you want to cover
I have been playing half butterfly for years an much of it was systems I had just figured out myself. After watching Carlos's DVD on the Flip Hook, it showed my flaws in my game and ways to expand in way I had never considered. I'd love to meet him in person someday to take a lesson from.
Glad to read this, as I'm seriously thinking of going up to Asheville to attend his seminar in April.
Got my purple from him. Amazing teacher. Also Just a great guy.
Told him I was getting married, And he sent me a long message with advice.
Much respect.
In addition to all the other good stuff that's been said, one under-rated thing about him vs other old school Gracie instructors is that his English is perfect. You won't have any lost in translation moments.
I'm a Carlos Machado blackbelt. He's the real deal. Still amazed by him even 10 years being with him.
renatopenha -...
In addition to all the other good stuff that's been said, one under-rated thing about him vs other old school Gracie instructors is that his English is perfect. You won't have any lost in translation moments.
It's very good but he mixed up right and left during a private once. He kept getting irritated with me and saying "No, no, your Right leg!"
Meant left.
We both had a good laugh.

I've been training under Carlos for the past 8 years.
He is very articulate and is able to break down advance concepts so you never feel like it is going over your head. His attention to detail is second to none.
And he is a very funny guy too. I am proud to have him as my instructor.
Thanks for all the replies guys.