Anyone else just glad Bones is back?

Strykr619 - 

Lol of course im happy he’s back antics and all now he needs to imbrace the asshole role and run with it.....


And to see how much longer before someone beats him

Definitely glad he's back and look forward to seeing him compete. I just have this nervous anticipation of the next Fuck up. Hope I'm wrong

No.  This makes the sport look awful.  Makes the UFC & USADA look corrupt.  Best thing that can happen to Bones is a preggo hits him in a car.

Was hoping he got a 5 year ban. 

I'm excited that he's back. I'm ready for DC vs Jones 3 

I am.

Dont get me wrong, Im a big DC fan. Love the guy. I think Jones is a cheat and a shitty person, but hes a great fighter and I like watching him in the cage.

This forum is so twisted and fanboy over run that you cant say anything about any big name without coming under fire by one side or the other. Conor, Khabib, DC, Jones, you cant say anything about them. If you say something good your a nuthugging fanboy and if you say something bad your a blind hater.

Cant I like the way performs in the cage while still thinking hes a piece of shit human?

100%…best fighter ever. That’s why I’m here, to watch cage fighting.

Jones is a jerk but he is a great fighter.  In combat sports I like to watch the best fighters,  citizenship is #2.  He is the GOAT till DC beats him imo

i’ve missed watching people get poked in the eyes

He's the GOAT of course I'm glad 


hes a great fighter

so great i overlook his idiocy outside the ring

I am looking forward to our champ champ getting beaten like a redheaded stepchild again. So yea I am stoked 

I am. I don’t watch MMA to see noble characters. I want to see awesome fighters and fights.  DC is a good family man and Jones is a bit of a psychopath; so I’m trying to figure out why I’m excited about Bones returning and destroying him.

Only to see him lose at this stage. 

yes, things are much better with him obviously. Want to see how far he can take his game…I thought he was looking stagnant leading up to and including his OSP fight, esp his wrestling but that KO kick kinda made up for it.

you guys need to learn about Chris froome, tested positive and still won grand tours and did not got suspended at all after one year.

that was corruption all over the place.

For sure I’m glad he is back. It’s great to watch him fight.

I dont like when scumbags that have caused physical injury to innocent people are allowed to make money.

He’s a great fighter I said he’d kill anyone in the division after the Hamill fight, but he’s reached the point where I don’t care to watch a dirty lying hypocritical criminal. I’ll still watch him but I’m not excited for it, except to see him lose . I don’t expect fighters to be perfect .. they are human. But, Jones is a real fucked up piece of shit loser!