Anyone else just glad Bones is back?

The UFC has been getting boring as hell lately and wether you like that douchbag or not he makes it interesting. 

For the record I’m neither a Bones “hater” ?? or a fan of his and I also think he’s been roiding his entire career but I love watching the guy fight. 

IMO no one at LHW is beating him but I look forward to him fighting a few heavyweights who can reach him. 

After watching him fight bonnar, OSP and gus I cannot see what he would do to put away someone like Browne, Stipe or even rothwell and anyone who says “by whatever he wants” etc has clearly not been paying attention. 

The future is bright. 

Ya he's a good backup for McGregor droughts.

Damm straight I'm glad, love watching him fight. 

You're boring as hell

lamedroid -

You're boring as hell

You don’t mean that... 

Yup he’s an asshat but super exciting in the cage. Just try to stay out of trouble, Jon. Please?


Yeah I get that people don't like him for obvious reasons but I'm a fan, love watching him fight

I think I may be more excited to watch Jones than McGregor.

I’m happy he’s back, but the USADA thing is a shit show. Not that they need to disclose the full intricacies of it to us, but it’s quite convenient one of their biggest draws gets a nigh on free pass from a long term suspension whereas others get nailed to the cross for cooperating. 

Compare it to Crocop - admitted hgh use on doctors orders and was suspended. Tests came back negative though. 

Glad in the fact that I hope he comes back clean as a whistle and gets destroyed 

Ben Gardners boat -
lamedroid -

You're boring as hell

You don’t mean that... 

If you mean it , I mean it and you  should gtfo

he's been such a twat. now it's just a matter of listening to his fake bullshit about being the greatest, his challenges and the path god has chosen for him - and waiting for the next mind-bogglingly arrogant fuck up, then standard tearful apology, and claims that he has learned so much. etc. 

BrowBeaten -

Glad in the fact that I hope he comes back clean as a whistle and gets destroyed 


Were gonna get maybe 2 fights before he effs up again and is gone for good. So cherish them...

sloppyfloppys -

I think I may be more excited to watch Jones than McGregor.


I look forward to his next fight but it’s a slap in the face to so many other fighters that got busted and got fucked by the long dick of USADA while he skated away almost scot free. 

Jones is probably the best ever p4p if you neglect the antics outside the ring and accept most of the greats took some form of performance enhancers when tests were weaker.

Lol of course im happy he’s back antics and all now he needs to imbrace the asshole role and run with it.....

Strykr619 - 

Lol of course im happy he’s back antics and all now he needs to imbrace the asshole role and run with it.....

Yeah I could do without hit and runs on pregnant women, other than that I couldn’t give two shits… don’t need my fighters to be perfect role models