Anyone else miss kampmann?

Eagerly awaiting/hoping for his return. The guy was a must see on any card and has been in there with the best at 170. I think there are still some cool matchups to be had, most of all I want to see him throw down with Matt Brown or Woodley. Phone Post 3.0

Kampman vs brown would be amazing! Phone Post 3.0

vaginal tear - Kampman vs brown would be amazing! Phone Post 3.0
2nd this but brown is a killer these days I'd feel bad is Martin got it put on him. He's too tough for his own good Phone Post 3.0
I think Brown gets hurt just as much as kampmann, they are both tough as nails. Brown's stand-up has come along leaps and bounds, even then thoigh I'd consider it pretty even standing.
He took a howitzer of a left from Hendricks, got blasted by Daley. Condit put him away but other than those guys, who are all punchers or finishers, he's been a nightmare for a lot of people. Phone Post 3.0

yes, one of the my favorite fighters. Kampmann vs. Nick Diaz or Brown still interests me

I was JUST thinking about him last night. Looks like it's been a little over a year since his last fight. Hope he gets back in there. Phone Post 3.0