anyone get the feeling?

 Brock is going to pop Overeem's head off with a choke? maybe a guilotine?


I actually think it going to be the other way around.  Overeem has a nasty Guillotine, and Brock is the one who will be shooting, not Reem.  just my opinion though. 

Brock is going to tap Overeem with a flying scissor heel hook.

Heard it here first.

 it will be a guilotine from trying to get up from a brock takedown


 it will be a guilotine from trying to get up from a brock take down


 double post to be sure

 Brock will KO Overeem

Chimonos Revenge - Brock is going to tap Overeem with a flying scissor heel hook.

Heard it here first.

I would literally shit my pants, although when brock carwin started I said I would shit my pants if brock won by submission Phone Post

Chimonos Revenge - Brock is going to tap Overeem with a flying scissor heel hook.

Heard it here first.

Then Lloyd Irving comes into the octagon and awards Brock with a blackbelt. Phone Post

 This fight is so hard to call imo.  Brock doesn't shoot head down so I doubt a guillotine will catch him.  Brock will run across the ring and either get the takedown (that Reem will not get up from) where he will pound him out (Reem has tapped to punches on more than one occassion) or he will get punched, turn run away where Reem will finish him.

If I had to bet I would take Brock but not feel good about it.  I don't think either one stands a chance against Junior.