*Hi everyone, I am reposting this from the UG, thought more in-the-know people might see it here***
My friend just received a sales job transfer to just outside Toronto, Canada in a town called Markham, Ontario. He is looking for a school to train at as he just started BJJ for 3 months before he had to move.
He is living literally a 3 minute walk to a place called "Shoot Wrestling Canada" run by a guy named Ron Beer. Warning bells are going off in my mind as I seem to remember somewhere on this site years ago, people calling this guy him out on his training history, techniques, etc. I just remember the name "Beer".
My friend asked me to see if place is worth getting involved with since it is so close to home. I told him I'd dig deeper.
I checked the website, and it looks like a few Star Wards nerds who don't look like grapplers. There are a couple of tough looking guys they aligned with but I'm not sure.
I checked this video online with a few of their black belts demonstrating throws. Not impressed with form on double legs at all, and it looks like people who demonstrate throws but don't actually do a lot of sparring. Here is video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mejuFTnNVPw
I tried to find any lineage history on where he learned all this, but there doesn't appear to be any link to any Japanese Shoot Wrestling training mentioned or organizations whatsoever. The bio claims he traveled around Canada in the 1970s and invented the art then by assembling the grappling art then and it's been in Canada ever since.
Do any Canadians have any knowledge of this style? I don't want to besmirch it until Get more info, but most legit places would put their specific training history in the bio.
Regardless, I would appreciate any assistance. Thanks.
Have never heard of this place and havent seen them compete in any local tournaments. If your friend is in Markham tell him to check out Lin Martial Arts or ascension jiu jitsu.