Anyone own a pair of Boxergenics? The original UFC gloves

As long as it’s a good memory that’s what counts most!

But would have been fun to beat that guy :rofl:

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Yea, $1200. To be a last minute replacement, ride in my new pickup to Chicago area while the boys took turns driving, a thousand to one underdog.

Got to watch my son’s hang out with what I consider, cool people. It was wonderful.

Two weeks before, I had gotten to watch my oldest hang out with Shonie Carter, that was cool too😊

Memories are precious.

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I know where they are. Per my investigation one man has every pair from every event and they are all signed.

Will not reveal name.


Wow! Dude has a dragon’s hoard.

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What was the point of not letting fighters keep the gloves? Intend to sell later as memorabilia?

In the smaller shows, it was so they could be re-used. In the bigger shows, they were offered for sale. I cornered a buddy at a mid sized show. We were told that if the gloves were not returned, the fighter would not be paid.
Mark Kerr supposedly was able to get out 1 of his Pride pairs and were displayed at his buddy’s gym. Def the exception to the rule.

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Was Tank the first one to use a modern MMA glove style?

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Thanks for answering dude. Makes sense.

No,Melton Bowen was.

Felix Mitchell came in with a pair of some fingerless gloves (before Melton) and BJM would not let him wear them.

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Melton Bowen


What brand did he use? Those would be cool to keep if there’s ever an MMA brick and mortar hall of fame

No idea what-so-ever.


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They’re just like the old Harbinger gloves, down to the palm bar you had to cut out. I’ve still got a set of those floating around somewhere.

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Notice that Felix Mitchell comes out in a red pair of fingerless MMA gloves at UFC 3 & BJM doesn’t let him wear them.

That’s crazy. Probably like $20,000 worth of gloves! High end collectors from Japan and Russia would probably hop all over Fedors. I wonder if Fedor got to keep his? From what I heard nobody got to keep them.

Those Affliction shows were epic. Just the whole timing of it and seeing new fights and matchups, I was so stoked. I signed up for the street team and got a shitload of fliers and posters. If you ever had an Affliction flier on your car in HB it came from me! I was so stoked and wanted it to succeed. My only regret is about 8 years ago I threw away about 500 fliers and 20 promotional posters left over. I figured they were worthless.

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LOL. I went to the Beverly Hills presser and left with 1,000 posters and 150 god awful tshirts. Luckily, Fedor was nice like always and signed a bunch of stuff too.

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Jerry Millen was a fucking cock block in San Jose.

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He’s the worst. We just had the translator.

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