Anyone recomend good boxing....

books or tapes or dvds?

i would like to get Dempsey's book but its impossible.

Why is it impossible? I don't know if it's the one you're talking about, but they sell one of Dempsey's combat books at Just look under the used and out of print books.


I checked and its not there. I forget the name of the book but its the one where he teaches his strategy and punching techniques. has alot of videos


kenny sheldon???

The dempsey book is "championship fighting".

One of the guys at the boxing forum has transcribed most of it (no pictures though) and its at stickgrapplers site.

Ned Beumonts "Championship streetfighting" has a lot of material similar to dempsey's book. But also a lot of fluff.

A good series of books are the "start-up sports" series on boxing. The first one goes over the basics and the 2nd book has tons of great drills, bag drills, footwork drills, partner drills etc. (but no mitt drills, the books are great value though)

THe boxing video sold by Roy Harris (cant think of the name) is good for the basics. Good tips on proper mecahnics etc. It has some good mitt drills, but only volume 1 is out, so it doesnt cover everything.

Have heard good things about the Kenny Weldon "learn to box" series but never seen them.

"thanks I checked and its not there. I forget the name of the book but its the one where he teaches his strategy and punching techniques."

Oh, ok. BN only has one where he teaches streetfighting techniques, not strictly boxing. i'd also like to get his boxing book.

Jeff Fenech is in TITLE's set of instructionals. I haven't seen them but they are 9.99 a piece and they have a whole set. Also RINGSIDE has a set out. I hope you check them out. For $10 you can't lose.


also check out STICKGRAPPLER'S sight. It is the most comprehensive technique sight on the net. I love it. You can even read some great boxing articles by a really smart guy named buddie.


Check out Coach Chris Getz "Ultimate Boxing Lessons" instructionals at a great series, covers everything.

I just ordered Rodney King's Crazy Monkey boxing instructionals. I'll post a review after I review them.

i would like to get Dempsey's book but its impossible.I got a copy a couple of years ago, from one of's zshops or marketplace sellers. It shouldn't be that hard to track one down.

thanks a lot for all your answers guys. I have copied all the info and will be compiling some of the material.



You cant learn to box from a tape or a book. The sweet science is about hands on learning ,go to your local boxing club and find a trainer!

I have one from Roy Harris's site which is very good for the basics. (down at the moment!!)

Apparently Kenny Weldon's series is very good too, see the following review (I haven't seen them).

Of course, to echo what people have said, to learn boxing go to a gym (but buy a video anyway!).

Boxing, like kickboxing and unlike martial arts in general, is quite easy to learn (i.e. pick up the techniques) but of course it is very very physically and mentally demanding to be good at.


I have seen the beginner-level Kenny Weldon tapes. They are very good for learning the basics and Weldon's credentials as a trainer are unquestionable. However, anyone with a decent amount of boxing experience will not get a lot out of them.

I am in a gym right now but I want to suppliment as much as possible to improve quicker.

Thanks for all the information guys.