Anyone roll without health ins.?

Just got laid off and I have some free time wasn't sure if I have health insurance or not, but does anyone here train with out it not sure if I should or not. It would be so sweet to train everyday again like when I was in college as opposed to one a week. Phone Post

Trained all 3 years without it. Kind of scary but not really. Only time I would have used it was when my rib popped pretty bad and I could hardly move. Kinda wished I had some percocets or something similar at the time.

Trained like six times a week for four years without it Phone Post

I would guess that these days at least 50 percent of people training don't have health ins Phone Post

Only if there was a way everyone could have health care...j/k thats for another forum. I would still train. Phone Post

amc6825 -  I would guess that these days at least 50 percent of people training don't have health ins Phone Post

 probably closer to 60-70

Nice looks like I'm training just.not with sapzes if someone breaks something Nd I have to go to the e.r. I'm going to be pissed had to get a mri on my knee one time it was like 2k Phone Post

There's always free clinics if ur in a major city Phone Post

PTM2020 -
amc6825 -  I would guess that these days at least 50 percent of people training don't have health ins Phone Post

 probably closer to 60-70

61-71 probably. Phone Post

No health insurance since the last 8 years. Went from white to brown with no ins. Haven't been to a hospital or doctor in that time as well. But I don't train like a hero/jackass either.

Another but, I've been really sick and injured quite a bit, just never got it checked out or whatever those places do. Just rub some dirt on it or put it in rice.

Thanks god for universal health care! Phone Post

I train about 5-6 x a week for the last 4 years and counting without it . Fortunately i know some Doctors that hook me up . Phone Post

For the first 5 years I trained without it, and had some mild injuries but nothing serious enough for e.r or surgery. I got insurance 3.5 years ago and am really grateful for it having been to the e.r. once since then and had multiple problems I've had to see a doctor for.

As much as I hate the whole health insurance system, I am glad I had it when I got hurt.