Anyone see the BJJ on Modern Family last night?

 Ed O'Neil showing his son the Mata Leao, saying he learned it from the Gracie brothers and his son fall unconcious.  Good stuff.

 Al Bundy the greatest man alive

It is only logical. Ed rules the show.


That was awesome

Ed is awesome. That show is f*cking awesome.

his son grabs a guy later and orders him to fall


Sofia Vergara is reason enough to watch Moder Family.

 Imagine getting your Black Belt from Ed O'Neil? How awesome would that be? 

 She's the main reason that show is awesome.

Second is the blonde.

Third is Ed O'Neil.  But given the competition level, third is pretty good.

"So hot, want to touch the hiney"

That's the best show on tv right now...The RNC scenes were great....

I saw a clip of NCIS the night b4 last that used the RNC and put the guy to sleep too!

 I feel movement every time she is on the show.

 ttt he's awesome

Jsteven -  I feel movement every time he is on the show.


Jsteven -  

Sofia Vergara is reason enough to watch Moder Family.

This was worth a repost. Good god, this woman is perfect. I don't understand a word she says, which may add to the perfection.


ttt for ed oneil...and so I can check that chik out later..fwap

Home Improvement's tim allen used to smash Vergara.

Posty Magee - Home Improvement's tim allen used to smash Vergara.

If true, that is the most profoundly sad event in the history of the world.