Anyone think Wilder is being smart?

ThatsHowIRoll -

How many UG threads and headlines would we get for - "Wilder gracious in defeat, thanks Fury and goes back to training". 1,...2?

Probably quite a few. He was building a fan base and he has an auto rematch clause. 

He could've kept it say the better man that night won, and vowed vengeance in the next one. 

He's be much more popular right now, even with the crap about firing his corner man.

knot eye -
ThatsHowIRoll -

How many UG threads and headlines would we get for - "Wilder gracious in defeat, thanks Fury and goes back to training". 1,...2?

Probably quite a few. He was building a fan base and he has an auto rematch clause. 

He could've kept it say the better man that night won, and vowed vengeance in the next one. 

He's be much more popular right now, even with the crap about firing his corner man.

Come on bro - you think more people would tune into the rematch for that vs. now? 


we all wanna see him get beat up again! We are all going to be watching. It hyped a rematch significantly more than option A

Looks like Breland is still on his team.


Wilder being smart? LMAO

knot eye -


There it is. Cause a shitstorm in the media, redeem yourself, rematch hype..... profit 

The likes of deontay, Dana and Conor and their advisors play the fans like fuken fiddles. Especially the UG.