Are all GJJ schools no sparring till blue belt?

This is where I prefer Judo for kids. No submissions allowed until teenage years as it’s all pins & throws for them.

As a side note, Paragon had/has a great program. Chris Lovato has a few in SLO County. Used to roll with some of his guys 10yrs ago when I still lived there.

Jiu jitsu is great for kids imo. I like judo too but the big problem with judo is that they don’t address leg attacks (shots). I think with the level of competition that most kids are best off wrestling and doing bjj in the off season.

Depends on the school. Several will still address “low” attacks like single, double, high crotch, etc… I’ve heard similar about schools not addressing it but haven’t seen it myself. Although wrestling is pretty big in central ca and many kids will transition to judo or bjj in the off season.

My son now does bjj only as since we moved getting to judo was becoming a real hassle & his bjj school is 3min away. The kids in his bjj class with no wrestling or judo experience also have a very hard time with his variations on takedowns as well as his pins(he was no standout in judo either), those positions were just drilled far more. Also the break fall drills have come in helpful for him when he’s out just being a kid as well.

In all though, any grappling will be great for them. I just like drilling the break fall and control aspect of judo when they are young. Transition to bjj as a teenager from either wrestling or judo after learning how to control the opponent first.