Are Leben's best days behind him?

I think so. Phone Post

i def think so, what does his game revolve around, landing a luck looping hook, thats it..he is just so slow and lethargic out there..

didn't even know he had great days.

He fought better when he trained less, and drank more. Phone Post

I said it last night he looked horrible at weigh ins like the cut was hard on him, that plus ring rust and you get tonight. He still has it.

Patrick Cote was probably his best win in that 5 fight win streak.

He was the original come from behind zombie. Phone Post

Leben has always beat the toughest guys, and lost to the biggest pushovers....he really has no consistency.

Did he look awfull? yeah....i hope he can pull it together in the future. At 32 , its really his last shot

Feel bad for the dude... Phone Post