Are UFC 62 & Bushido on at ...?

the same fuckin time, or just on the same fuckin date ?

different fuckin' time

Cool - Thanks a fuckin lot

they're in different fuckin timezones as they are on opposite sides of the fuckin planet

That's fucking fucked up.

They're on the same fucking day but Bushido is on fucking Sunday here and UFC is on fucking Saturday, ok fuckface?

what the fuck?

No need to get so fuckin worked up about fuckin nothin. I only asked a fuckin question about some fuckin fights. Is that fuckin ok with you ?

Bushido is fucking free?

Part of Bushido is fucking free. The rest of the shit will probably only be available via fucking download. That includes the fucking shit Fox will edit from the fights that are fucking free. It's a double fucking edged sword.


i pay for directv

fuckin prides not free

That editing fucking sucks!............Fuck!

I believe the UFC is on Saturday and Pride is on Su......oh, wait.....


do you wanna be a fuckin' fighter?

whispers fuck