Are we being honeydicked? Kayla-Holm

I would be proud of dem traps :muscle:


You want Ronda to die?

Holly beat Ronda

Kayla beat Holly quickly

Kayla buries Ronda.

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MMA math is especially retarded in WMMA.

Ronda beat Meisha
Meisha beat Holly
Holly beat Ronda

So in conclusion, I’d like to see Meisha fight Brooke Lesnar.

I’d also like to see Ronda fight Brooke. This is going to rustle a lot of jimmies I’m sure, but, Ronda’s boxing is better than Brooke’s, and that’s what I think it’d come down to. I think it’d look like one of those sloppy boxing matches between two bodybuilders over in KSW. I wonder if Brooke will turn purple.


I was being sarcastic, but yes. Both Judo experts and both pretty insufferable. I would be happy seeing either lose.

I was also clearly being stupid on purpose.

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Well here we are talking about women. It was bound to happen :slight_smile:


I would actually like to see Brooke fight Meisha. I think it’s a great second fight for her. Ronda would be a great superfight after that. If she wants to get her coconut smashed in by Amanda after that, all the power to her.