JDS and Benson are the most liked it seems.
Ya for the most part. Unlike most of the people who nitpick every top fighter and seem to hate them. I enjoy watching the best of the best
idk if this counts but i really dislike condit
The_Spider - JDS and Benson are the most liked it seems.
it does look like it.
Do Nick Diaz fans even watch his fights? Nick took a lot of hits from BJ and Daley. He's not surviving anything like that from Anderson.
I really like the love that JDS has on this thread. Dude works his ass off to change his life, he is honestly humble, and takes great effort to learn english. He is a real role model.
Like em all cept bones, would love hendo to take the strap
JDS- don't love him, don't hate him
JBJ- Massive fan since the bonnar fight
Anderson- dislike his personality, think he's a bit overrated, but he's extremely entertaining to watch most of the time
GSP- despise/loath
Bendo- like him
Aldo- like him
Cruz- Despite the lack of finishing ability I still find his style pretty unique and interesting to watch. Also like him a little more after seeing him coach on TUF.
voorhees -This! I really like Aldo too but KZ is the man!MostLegit -Which champion would you like to see dethroned?
I would jump around in high speed like a kung fu movie if I saw Aldo get his ass beat by the Korean Zombie!

Interesting to see most people only have one or two champs they aren't fond of.
voorhees - I wish that...
fine w/GSP
fine w/Henderson
and Faber were the current champions
Id be fine with that, 'cept for Bisping...
For what they do in the ring (not outside)
JDS- love
Jones- love, outside the ring I got problems with but really can't hate a guy who just dominates
Silva- love
GSP- like
Bendo- love
Aldo- love
Cruz- meh
Who I would like to see dethroned in order...
I love JDS, Anderson Silva, and Aldo.
I am ok with Bendo Henderson
I like to watch Jon Jones fight, as he's exciting for the most part, but would like to see him dethroned because I'm not a fan of his attitude and think it would change drastically once he was Ko'd hard.
I would also like to see GSP dethroned, only because I want him to go back to the way he used to fight. And without a title to defend, I think he would.
I hate Cruz most of all.
I dislike Jon Jones, Anderson Silva, I like every other champion. My favorite champion is Ben Henderson and I hope he holds on to the belt for a long time.
I only want GSP to lose if Diaz is the one to do it. oherwise I hope he stays champ.
Endowedwelter - Can't wait for bendo to lose, the tooth pick and Jesus is lord shit is rather irritating. Cruz is a tie to lose as well, I'm simply don't enjoy to watch his style at all. Jones is meh after his rashad fight and I fully support the rest.Really? Meh after his Rashad fight? I didn't expect to see someone not like Jones for his fighting style.

JDS - Love him head to toe
JBJ - Like watching him fight, not a fan of his personality
Anderson - """"""""""""""""
GSP - Appreciate his dominance, great personality/ambassador, absolutely loathe his fighting style
Bendo - Big fan all around
Aldo - """""""""""""
Cruz - Not a big fan, but I do like his coaching style
Order I'd be interested in the champs being dethroned:
Silva - he would be ahead of JBJ on the list if he was fighting anyone other than Sonnen. I do not want Sonnen to be a champion. I recognize he's very popular, but personally feel he's bad for the sport. Otherwise I love Anderson, and feel he's had a long and successful career, and wouldn't mind seeing him dethroned by someone else.
JDS-Love, one of my favorite fighters
Jones-Can't stand
Benson-Like a lot
Aldo-Like a lot
Dom-Strongly dislike
JDS- one of my favorites
Jones- I appreciate how insanely talented he is but I can't help but root against him
Silva- one of my favorites
GSP- I like him but he's not a favorite of mine, I'm interested to see how he comes back after his injury
Bendo- ill be rooting for him against Edgar but I wanna see Nate dethrone him
Aldo- I really like him because he's exciting as hell but the Korean zombie is my favorite FW
Dom- not really a fan but I can't think of any BW's that I have a lot of interest in