Only 2 champs i root for are Aldo & Bendo....the rest meh
cruz is def my number one to be dethroned. Dont like him at all tbh. lol Before this last TUF season, I already didn't care for him but now I DISLIKE HIM. I thought everyone he did was planned out and he just doesnt seem real to me... everyone says how fake jbj is and all. I feel like jones just says what he thinks is right and what he SHOULD say...which makes him not liked cause he talks like hes perfect, but Cruz... idk just seems like a little shit talker with a little man complex.
I was sad when serra beat the dogpiss outta gsp the first time... now i wouldnt mind seeing gsp get his belt taken again.
jds, silva, aldo, soon to be champ beni, can all stay. I seem to always root against jones even though I am a fan of his, I just want to see him in a real back and forth fight for once lol.
and i dont really consider benson champ till he defends his title. even after this frankie rematch, benson needs to defend to prove to me still.
I hope my first post isnt considered fighter bashing btw.... cruz is talented there is no doubt about that. I personally just dont like his face
voorhees -DiazMadeMe BJTheWelshman -voorhees - like Dos SantosWhy no love for aldo? <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
dont like Jones
meh on Anderson
Meh on GSP
like Henderson
dont like Aldo
Meh on Cruz
Nothing in particular,I dont dislike his personality or anything he does in the ring.
I just kinda want to see his impressive reign get knocked off.
Some men just want to watch the world burn...
All is good but jbj... Gustuferson him the fook outta there!
Either that or he can rematch the pole for Bentley parts. Winner leaves town.
Lol loser leaves even.. damn I need to look at what I type :/
Can't stand Henderson, dislike Bones. The rest of the champs I like, especially JDS
GSP JDS and Anderson are fine with me, the rest can lose and I wouldn't care too much
Like JDS
Dislike Jones
Like Anderson
Dislike GSP
Like Bendo
Like Aldo
Like Cruz
And Joe B will be a great FLY champ
Don't like GSP or Cruz wouldn't mind seeing either dethroned.
Love em all, except hope Jon Jones gets ktfo'd and will accept Benson fully if he does us the favor of finishing Frankie.
Fav champ is JDS though, for a HW i buy his PPV's anytime and am never dissapointed.
I don't dislike any fighter. Chael is grating but I'd still drink a beer with the guy.
Even tho Anderson is one of the greatest to step in the octagon, I'd like to see him lose/move up/retire. He's had his class on lock and change makes for interesting match ups.
dustin dustin - Some of the blind hatred towards cruz youll see here is just sad. The same guy who worships the diazes will hate on cruz when all hes doing is what theyre doing, hes just better at it. You cant really be a fan of mma if you dont respect strategy, skill & gameplanning. They all cant be brawlers.I don't get the hate. I like watching him fight

Jones is really the only one I don't like.
iffy on Ben Henderson.
like the other 5.
dustin dustin - Now....its my turn to be a hypocrite.JDS needs to lose. He's gotten a lot of brakes and as he should, hes taken full advantage of them. But i dont see him as a mixedmartialartist. He's a puncher. Frank was a freebieEither way....i dont expect him to stay ahead and lucky forever.
Peopl don't like Cruz using his footwork to be elusive, anything elusive is seen as being a lesser fighter which is a crock but that's why Diaz plods forward
Cruz and Henderson. GSP only if it's by Nick Diaz.
I have to say I would love to see Anderson rattle off a few more impressive defenses and retire as the MW champion and undefeated in the UFC. I just think it would be a really cool thing to have witnessed.
I'm a big fan of JDS
I like Jones
I'm a fan of Anderson
I'm a huge GSP fan
I like Bendo when he doesn't talk
I'm a fan of Aldo
Cruz just kind of sits there