Are you ready to laugh?

How many Judoka's does it take to change a lightbulb?
Fuck you! I'm not changing anything!

How many Brendan Merritt's does it take to change a lightbulb?
Two. One to change the bulb and one to get on the internet and start some serious shit

How many Cobras does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, but it takes 3 surgeons to remove it.

How many John Will's does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. but the lightbulb must be changed often, whether it needs it or not. Also, every time you change the lightbulb, it's more marketable to call it something different as "lightbulb" is kinda dull. Neon tube for example...yeah, the kids are gonna love that!

How many Paulo's does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one, but the next day it will be communicated that reflecting back on the changing of the lightglobe it is plain to see that it was in fact a mistake & it would be great if everyone would just pretend like the globe was never changed in the first place.

How many Peter De Been's does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. Providing the lightbulb is a fully paid up affiliate of the AFBJJ

How many Traditional Martial Artists does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. They like to be left in the dark.

How many Anthony Perosh's does it take to change a lightbulb?
Let me just say that Anthony is more than capable of changing a lightbulb, and given the opportunity in the future he may in fact change several of them.

How many American wrestlers does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to yank the old bulb out, throw it on the
floor, try and jump onto it from a great height, and act really surprised when it rolls out of the way at the last minute; another to pretend to twist the new one in round and round so far it almost breaks; and some guy in a black and white stripey uniform whose function is never made quite clear to protest about something or other, to the complete indifference of the bulb changers.

How many Wookies does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I'm not interested in screwing in lightbulbs, but I am interested in screwing in public.

Goodnight Sprinton, there will be no encore.

Funny post.

However- you have forgotten to stap on your helmet and flack jacket. This could be to your detriment.

Cross between 'tap' and 'step'. Some kinda funky new dance move I figure.

Yes- Stap goddamnit! And its not to be confused with a word of similar meaning 'strap'.

nice wun!

Oh fuck me I forgot one:

How many John Donahue's does it take to change a light bulb?

I ain't changing shit till you start calling me COACH!


you got to much time on your hands.

ahhh, good to see Judoka's can take a joke.

Funny stuff, not to mention brave.


ps. How many psychologists does it take to change a lightbulb?

One. But it has to really want to change!

Funny shit man...but I agree with G..VERY,VERY brave..ha..ha
P.S. How many " tough guys" does it take to change a lightbulb?
100....1 to actually do it the other 99 sneer and say " I can do that"


LOL... nice work...


How many Tony Benallos does it take to change a light bulb?

One, but with conditions:
Peter pays the light bulb to change,
Justin has to tell everyone it wasn't a light bulb, it was actualy a world champion wrestler
The light bulb has to agree beforehand that it'll fall out of the socket with very little pressure
Cameron Quinn has to point out that it was a light bulb after all
Chris Cordeiro has to abuse all Aussies and remind them that it was actually a light bulb, it was just spelt differently.

"How many Cobras does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One, but it takes 3 surgeons to remove it."

That is fucking awsome!!!!

It's funny cause everyone is getting hammered... :)

How many internet warriors does it take to change a lightbulb?

Its obvious anyone on this forum could have changed that light bulb. In fact, that light bulb is not all it's cracked up to be, the whole thing was probably a fix and for sure the light bulb was stalling the entire time. Yeah, and the 'i changed the light bulb title' (ICTLBT) is not a real title, only an interim title at best. I bet Bonello could change that light bulb in under ten seconds...

Go ahead hammer me...

Oh, i forgot to mention that i could change that light bulb no problems but you'll never see me do it 'cos i don't think i should have to pay affiliation fees to the Lightbulb Changing Federation just for that privilege...

Ah ha ha.

*seriously upset that there wasn't one about me***

How many Gorgeouses does it take to change a light bulb? As many as Elvis needs.