Are you still passing from your knees?

Body lock pass is dominating no gi and it’s a pass on the knees.


I train to pass standing just to be well rounded but I would never pass standing when I take passing serious. Tight pressure is my game…


Generally I stand to open the closed guard, if the pass doesn’t present itself then, I try to get to headquarters position and work towards a knee cut or side smash.

Usually end up in half guard and have to pass from there though


I use this algorithm a lot. I mostly try to force half guard from HQ though, basically just using the knee cut attempt as a means to get their hips flat to the mat

Did we just become best friends?

Hmmm… yes, I was thinking of opening the guard when I started the thread.

Using the pointy part of your elbow is usually frowned upon in a lot of gyms. It’s not illegal in competition, but it sucks in free roll.

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Exactly this and it virtually eliminates leg locks as well.

Where? People do this all the time

It’s a thing. Not in every gym, but it’s definitely a thing.

You can use your elbows, just not very good to use the points of your elbows on the inner thigh.

Gym I trained at about a decade ago didn’t mind. But my current gym isn’t a fan. One of those Etiquette things.

Every time I’ve seen someone do it they get told to learn how to actually pass guard. It’s literally the same as pinching or scratching someone.


Totally this. It’s not technical and just relies on pain. Once you realize that it’s just painful, you don’t care and they can’t pass.


Tripod passing mostly, sometimes use it to enter over under


Steve Harvey Lol GIF by Digg

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Tried tripod passing for a while but couldn’t get the feel for it.

Chalked it up to me being too short but I might just be being a bitch…

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25 years of knee cut pass and I’m pretty skilled at getting the pass, I do a lot of long step passes too, but because open guard is more prevalent than closed guards for the past couple decades, it’s understandable that passing will be more of a standing matter, which includes me as well


are you training alot these days?

Me? 3-4 times a week. I’m retired from f/t work, 60 yo so I spend the week doing calisthenics, kettlebells and some skateboarding. I do constant mobility stretches. All these elements really help. Not on TRT and feel no need for it. I’m on the smaller side of men, so somehow I think it helps to be under 160lbs for getting out of bad spots.


I’ve got no set way.
I have passes that flow into each other between knees and standing. Also both left and right side

e.g I have a 1/2 guard that if I’m losing position turns into a standing pass. If he defends by squaring his hips, I transition to smash pass on the other side.