Are you tough enough to make old school Lions Den?

Fuck idk if I could make it but I’d have a great time trying lol

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Not a chance. Those guy were killers who had no problem going all out on training partners, which ended up damaging their own prospects. Places like this is why there is so much cte in fighters from that era.


For that shit? Definitely not.

I guess semantically. Not so much when you look at win/loss records.

Nope. I’d get myself into serious danger too

That old thread with Scott Bessac really put it in perspective. Definitely a different world back then.



Nobody fucks with hamster style

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It’s a long thread, but absolutely worth the read. First hand info from a guy who was there from day 1.

Just really savage training. Everyone [presumably] juiced up and always going 100% or close to it. Stories of Frank Shamrock being the bottom guy in the totem pole. Stories of early UFCs and Pancrase.

This was a good one:

It was when Suzuki went to Australia to try out papadupalus, he had just won some big jj tournament. Suzuki rolled with him kinda just to see how he moved. Papadupalus went for broke and choked Suzuki out. So when I was fighting papadupalus Suzuki came to my dressing room and I still had just my neoprene knee sleeves on to not get raspberries from the mat. Suzuki told me leave those on and don’t put on the knee pads and go out there and really hurt him bad. So in the end I knocked him out with a Liver punch,broke 2 ribs and beat him up. For me to be turned absolutely loose in Pancrace was a dream come true and I made the best of it.

He wasn’t exaggerating. Those rib shots are nasty.




No way I would pass the test
Somebody would have destroyed me on the ground and broke something

“Ken doesn’t have friends, he has followers” - Lytes Out Podcast on several occasions.

The type that would put up with Ken are the type that would take bearings.


That was actually a pretty close match.

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I mean, Ken never broke off his relationship with Bob Shamrock.

Duncan, you’re not tough enough the make the local Girl Scout troop. So there you are

I’d reckon there’s fighters who beat lion’s den guys who probably couldn’t have made it through the trials/initiation.


We went down and trained with the Lions Den in San Diego (whales vagina) a couple of times. A lot of conditioning and guys that went old school hard. The hardest part was the conditioning.



Imagine if those guys weren’t constantly in a state of brain trauma/recovery. They might have succeeded more in their pro fights. Being tough is one thing. Being dumb and tough is not conducive to longevity.


Coleman Pride years drops Monday

Mark called me after and said he told everything and didn’t hold back