Ariel Helwani keeping it 100 on ESPN

KirkBJJ - 
Don J - Another thing to keep in mind now that Ariel is with ESPN. If he keeps shedding light on these shady dealings, how long before ESPN does a long-form investigative report? Espn loves uncovering drama and scandals in sports they cover.

With rumblings of a cover up since UFC 145 and now all this nonsense all regarding Jones, what if it comes out that UFC has been covering up doping results when convenient to keep lining their pockets?

Bringing in Novitzki, as the head of their anti-doping program sounds great on the surface. But his real value to UFC as a one of the main finders of the BALCO scandal, is showing the UFC how to avoid being caught.

If things do come to light WME can claim ignorance and say they let Dana keep running the show as he saw best. Heads gonna roll eventually. Looking forward to a great relationship with ESPN

What if who Jon snitched on to get his sentence reduced was the UFC itself! That’s why no big names came out after the snitching but they’re still doing all that they can to help Jon get through this. Like the UFC has been covering up for him (and maybe others) for years, then he turned around and blackmailed them saying he’d go public if they don’t help him again? And that’s why he’s always so arrogant even when he appears to get caught red handed :o

KnockoutThoughts -

Mad respect to Ariel for calling it like it is.. it’s the shadiest shit I’ve ever seen from a pro organization. I hope Dana rots in prison when this has all settled.

Mad respect??

Isn‘t it what you could/should expect from a journalist??

Target_the_Gash -

I'm lukewarm on The Beak but I'm all worn out and don't have any vitriol left in me.

He's better than nothing sometimes when it does seem to matter, so I'll give him that.

That nose had a permanent home up Dana's ass for a long time. 

Seems people have forgotten about that lately 

ProteinOverdrive -

Ariel is the only real journalist in MMA. He is legit, and that's why Dana hates him. The rest are fad jumpers who ran down their local radioshack, got a mic, bought a website and jumped on this UFC thing.

Karim zidan is legit

Ariel used to get a lot of shit for being a total cuck (anyone remember the “Fedor is GOAT” video where Dana told him never to say that and he complied?). 

He also caught flack about stirring up drama with Nick Diaz.

It’s refreshing to see he’s grown a pair.

Lights Out Lurker - 
Don J - Another thing to keep in mind now that Ariel is with ESPN. If he keeps shedding light on these shady dealings, how long before ESPN does a long-form investigative report? Espn loves uncovering drama and scandals in sports they cover.

With rumblings of a cover up since UFC 145 and now all this nonsense all regarding Jones, what if it comes out that UFC has been covering up doping results when convenient to keep lining their pockets?

Bringing in Novitzki, as the head of their anti-doping program sounds great on the surface. But his real value to UFC as a one of the main finders of the BALCO scandal, is showing the UFC how to avoid being caught.

If things do come to light WME can claim ignorance and say they let Dana keep running the show as he saw best. Heads gonna roll eventually. Looking forward to a great relationship with ESPN

You really think that ESPN is going to do an investigation piece on the company they just signed a huge 9 figure multi-year contract with? 

Likely…no. Possible, yes!

ESPN loves scandal and drama as it drives ratings up to their network and their site. UFC would keep moving on if WME can claim ignorance and put another head to replace Egg. Problem with wanting to go mainstream is all the extra light that is shed on you.

Carogan -
lions_mane -
KnockoutThoughts -

Mad respect to Ariel for calling it like it is.. it’s the shadiest shit I’ve ever seen from a pro organization. I hope Dana rots in prison when this has all settled.

Mad respect??

Isn‘t it what you could/should expect from a journalist??

There's alot of history there.  Plus its not like most of the MMA media comes even close to publishing the dirt that he has done in the past.

Ariel has been put through the meat grinder.  I think he deserves some kudos.

some kudos sure. but he also is hated by a lot of mma fighters who view what he does as instigating. and theyre the ones who are the competitors that are going to fight each other, they dont need jeered into a soundbyte. so i take some kudos away for that general opinion of him.

Outlaw’d by Lytle -

Ariel has always sought the truth in a kinda mischievous way. I’m a fan. 

AnotherDecision -
Carogan -
lions_mane -
KnockoutThoughts -

Mad respect to Ariel for calling it like it is.. it’s the shadiest shit I’ve ever seen from a pro organization. I hope Dana rots in prison when this has all settled.

Mad respect??

Isn‘t it what you could/should expect from a journalist??

There's alot of history there.  Plus its not like most of the MMA media comes even close to publishing the dirt that he has done in the past.

Ariel has been put through the meat grinder.  I think he deserves some kudos.

some kudos sure. but he also is hated by a lot of mma fighters who view what he does as instigating. and theyre the ones who are the competitors that are going to fight each other, they dont need jeered into a soundbyte. so i take some kudos away for that general opinion of him.

He’s really not, that was the narrative like 8 years ago when Diaz told him people like him get slapped 

Don J - Another thing to keep in mind now that Ariel is with ESPN. If he keeps shedding light on these shady dealings, how long before ESPN does a long-form investigative report? Espn loves uncovering drama and scandals in sports they cover.

With rumblings of a cover up since UFC 145 and now all this nonsense all regarding Jones, what if it comes out that UFC has been covering up doping results when convenient to keep lining their pockets?

Bringing in Novitzki, as the head of their anti-doping program sounds great on the surface. But his real value to UFC as a one of the main finders of the BALCO scandal, is showing the UFC how to avoid being caught.

If things do come to light WME can claim ignorance and say they let Dana keep running the show as he saw best. Heads gonna roll eventually. Looking forward to a great relationship with ESPN

Yeah I’m sure if UFC were coving up doping tests they’d let Jones fail multiple tests, get pulled from 200, let Brock fail a 200 test after they waived his 4 month testing period.  Let Jones fail another test causing a PR nightmare and them having to move an entire event.

I'm sure all that would still happen if UFC could just easily ignore failed tests and throw them out at will.

lions_mane -
KnockoutThoughts -

Mad respect to Ariel for calling it like it is.. it’s the shadiest shit I’ve ever seen from a pro organization. I hope Dana rots in prison when this has all settled.

Mad respect??

Isn‘t it what you could/should expect from a journalist??

Sure, but Ariel could easily back away from this and didn't. Just because it's expected doesn't mean he doesn't deserve props.