armbar problem

Armbar from mount,guy holds his arm sith other hand, I have trouble breaking the grip. Thanks in advance for great advice

Help, my arm is tiring

try pulling at his far side elbow first then pull upwards at his wrist on the arm you're attacking. hope this helps

are you keeping his arm close to your body when you fall back?

I wrote an answer for this very question a short while ago. Here is a copy of it:

I've seen several ways from several instructors. Try them out and see what happens:
(Let's say, for the argument's sake, that you're armbarring his right arm).

Scenario 1: He's on his back with his hands clasped together, but his right elbow is out from his body and not over his chest. This means that he hasn't been able to pull his right arm as far away from you as he can. This also means that you can more easily provide pulling motions to his wrists with your arms as follows: When he hasn't grabbed his own wrist, your strongest pulling motion is getting the crook of both your elbows into the crook of his right arm. When you pull with your hands instead of the crook of your elbows, your bicep muscles form the weak link in the pulling chain and you tend to lose the position. However, when he clasps his hands together, it's much harder to pull his arm, as everyone that has tried the armbar knows. Your solution is to pull on his wrists. First move (finally): Slide the crook of both your elbows to his wrists and try hugging your shoulder (you should have been doing this before, btw.). Lay down on your side closer to his head and pull (laying down makes you not pull up with your back against gravity). Your pulling motion goes straight into his wrists now and it becomes a game with your back muscles against his finger muscles. MAN, I was surprised when this move actually worked the first time I nervously tried this against a really strong guy in front of my students! :) Second move: Move the right side of your right elbow up against the the side of his right elbow that's closer to his head. Grab your left hand with your right. This move feels awkward at first because your elbow is really far in and your hand out. Now, twist counterclockwise (seen from someone looking at you from the ceiling) and pull on his wrists and right forearm. I've heard that this move causes the kind of pressure on the forearm that might break it, so be careful and don't do it quickly.

Scenario 2: Same as in scenario 1, but he has pulled his wrist as far away from you as he can, making it awkward for you to use your back muscles to assert pulling motion on his wrists. First move: Push on the crook of his left elbow with your right heel and pull with your back. Second move: Use both your hands to cup the back of his left elbow and pull both his arms towards you. Now, either just armbar his right arm or do one of the moves from scenario 1.

Scenario 3: Both of you are face down and he's clasping his hands together. First move: Slide your right knee into the crook of his left elbow or forearm and push with your leg and pull with your back to break his grip.

Like I said, I saw these moves in instructionals and have used them with success myself. Hope this helps.

The key to breaking his grip is to hook his arm at the wrist, not at the crook of his elbow.

Let's say you're attacking his left arm and you have the crook of your left elbow hooked into the crook of his left elbow. With your left hand grab your own right lapel and pull his elbow tight to your stomach. Now take your right hand and hook the crook of your right elbow at his left wrist, right where he is gripping his hands together. Grab your own collar with your right hand and fall back with all your weight, and you will break his grip guaranteed, no matter how strong.

You can do the same thing in no-gi without grabbing your own gi, it doesn't really make a difference. I like this method because it works for pretty much every way he can grip his arms together, except if he figure fours his arms. In that case you will want to pull his far arm towards you until the figure four comes undone, then take the arm.

Other options people like include various wristlocks, going to a triangle, and going to the bicep crush.

Attention, Andrew!

Andrew, have you tried doing the same move except instead of falling backwards, falling sideways towards his head? I feel that he's weaker there, but I may be wrong.

Also, I've always used the crook of both my elbows at his wrists and not just one. Doing that might give me a stronger pull on his wrists but I might also lose his arm too far away from me. What do you think is the way to go? I know that teachers tend to have their own variations so it might be hard to say what the best method is. Still, those are all simple moves, so some of them should really be "better" than others.

the do a fig.4 on the wrist so you don't lose the grip before separating his wrist holding his other hand. just learnt this last thursday and it works :)

Yes, falling to the side is better. You should fall to the side of the arm that's hooked at his wrist.

You can go to either side when you start from the beginning, starting with your left arm or right arm hooked into his left arm, it doesn't matter.

Once you break the grip you will want to go both hands on the wrist. I like to have one at the elbow, one at the wrist, while breaking the grip, because I keep his elbow pinned to my chest/stomach, so he can't pull his elbow down to the mat between my legs. I think it provides more solid control all the way through. If you let go of his arm to hook both of your arms in at the wrist, in that split second it is easier for him to escape in a variety of ways.

And by the way, in the gi, if you started with your right arm hooked in his left arm, you can grab his gi pants with your right hand to stop him from rolling out , as your left arm hooks at the wrist. If you started with your left arm hooked in his left arm, you can use your left hand to pass his left collar around the far side of his neck and under his head to your right hand and do a collar choke.

use the cowhand or the cameltoe

Thanks,great answers

Before of one pitfall when doing armbar hand-breaking techniques: I once got punched in the nose really hard, almost to the point of bleeding, when pulling really hard on the arm. My bad.

switch to triangle

Late update: I did some testing on these moves the other day and found out that Andew's modification on my method made sense, i.d. to only use the crook of ONE of your elbows at his wrist area and not both of them. Leave the crook of your other elbow in the crook of the elbow whose arm you want to armlock. Only use both elbows if one isn't giving you enough power.

Also, an important detail! I haven't seen this before, but it seemed to give additional power to break the grip: Instead of pulling on his wrist with the crook of your elbow, pull on the area exactly where his hands meet, i.e. on his FINGERS and NOT his wrists. It made REAL difference. Try it out, definitely.