Army fires Command Sergeant Major for Military District of Washington


from comments, Jebus America is screwed and so is any country that follows this woke mentality


2 days ago

A quick scroll through these comments has made me believe the term “DEI hire” needs to be officially labeled hate speech




  • Devin Whitney

2 days ago

If you had a DEI hire as your personal doctor & a DEI hire as your personal attorney; you’d have a better understanding of the argument b/t meritocracy vs DEI.

Why so quick to label something you don’t agree with as “hate speech”…

What’s next … Gas Lighting or calling my comments racist ???




  • Robert Stanford

2 days ago

Your comments may not be racist but theybare ignorant. DEI in no way suggests the best person for the job wasn’t hired. It does open doors for people of minorities who would otherwise have been overlooked due to systemic biases. That does not go to ability or suitability to complete a job with the …


Could be anything from a DUI to fucking the help.

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The top NCO of the 101st Airborne, never saw a shred of combat. What a laugh.

We at least had an excuse in the beginning of the GWOT. The senior NCOs who “saw combat” in the Gulf War/Panama/Somalia quickly got their feet wet for real.

In 2024, an E-9 without a CIB/CAR has no business being in charge of any combat unit, let alone the storied 101st. DEI hire, plain and simple.


So, here’s the scuttlebutt:

Public sex in a car while on base in front of family’s. That her charges. You’re defending sexual encounters for higher rank and pay, with possible drug use in the vehicle. She had sex with a lower rank in public, on base, in front of families viewing it.

If true, what an idiot. Good riddance.


Fucking the help IN PUBLIC! lol


WTF? Are we able to swear now?

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Cock knocker

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I love when someone talks bad about DEI the comments are that they are ignorant & don’t actually understand DEI. It must be because someone is ignorant and not as smart as them. Lolol. The irony of their comments…

If it’s a woman getting fired, there’s a pretty damn high change fucking is involved.

I heard she has tourettes (DEI hire) and it has made her basically useless and unable to command outside of a office setting.

Im moving up in the world. I’ve been given another trust level.

What a nice day

Absolutely it does. Well at least if you understand math. Let’s say you need to hire 2 of the best engineers the country has to offer. You have 1000 applicants. But now, you take those applications and throw away all the ones that were white and male, and now you have 250 applications. You have needlessly limited the pool to select from. You have DESIGNED a SYSTEM guaranteeing mediocrity.

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It was recently explained to me by a friend of my girls who works in HR that DEI is indeed fair.
Because… she says… DEI doesn’t push anyone down. It just gives women and minorities a boost.
She said that say for example a company has a test for promotions or hiring and Asian and white men score an average of 85% but these men are already over represented in the position.
If white women score an average of 80% DEI means giving the women +10 points so they can fairly get the desired position which will lead to more equity.

She then explained that black man may need a 20 point bump to be in a position to get hired or promoted over the white or Asian man.

She then was clear to say … to paraphrase…
“please remember that no one is taking away points from white or Asian men. So it’s completely fair.”

She explained this to me without an ounce of hesitation or awareness.
But rather she showed complete confidence in her position.

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Her ability to think was stolen from her and replaced with indoctrination. She a college girl?

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She’s maybe 30 now but she most likely went to one of the indoctrination centers here in the people’s republic of Massachusetts.
I tried briefly to explain some facts but honestly I don’t think she’d be bright enough to understand reason even if she tried. And she wouldn’t try, so I laughed n gave up.
On some level I think most woke people know it’s all bullshit and that they are performing woke more than believing it.
But I don’t think that they know themselves well enough to even know they don’t really believe it.
But they can’t REALLY be woke. If they honestly believed that stuff then at some point they’d wind up living in a 90% black area where rents cheap.
But woke people are generally surrounding themselves with white people.
Which makes me think they can’t really believe what they say.