As an mma fan of 13 years, something in me ....

Died last night.

Firstly, Frank Shamrock, the first TRUE mixed martial artist retired.

God bless you frank, you have been awesome.

And then 'The Last Emperor' lost (it was bound to happen).

Fedor you're amazing, enough said.

Crazy ....

There is definetly a change in the air, but it's not one that i'm feeling ....

my thoughts exactly. By change in the air did you mean all the WWE/youtube rejects that have taken over the fucking forum?

Yeah, kind of.

FloridaStriker - my thoughts exactly. By change in the air did you mean all the WWE/youtube rejects that have taken over the fucking forum?


We all getin old man!

Truemanc3 - We all getin old man!

Too right bruv !

It's getting scary as well ! Haha

Hasn't Frank 'retired' a few times before? I'm bummed about Fedor, but Frank just seems to be wanting attention for nothing.

I have been a fan for a similar length of time and echo your thoughts, although I had little interest in seeing Frank fight anymore. Was a huge fan of his back in the late 90s and would have loved to have seen him take on Sakuraba at some point. But it was not to be.

Not so much seeing Fedor lose, but seeing him lose the way he did, was a bit jarring. It was fun to show friends pictures or video of chubby, pleasant-looking Fedor and tell them that he was the baddest man on the planet.

But I have honestly been very much doubting Fedor's current abilities since his fight with Rogers, and even Arlovski before that. Although he managed to get KOs in those fights, he looked pretty sloppy with lots for potential opponents to exploit. And then there were the losses in combat sambo, where he also looked pretty sloppy.

I am not real thrilled about Brock Lesnar potentially being the #1 ranked heavyweight MMA fighter, but it could very well happen if he defeats Shane Carwin. I am more excited about the other top ten heavyweights, including Alistair Overeem and up-and-coming crop of young heavyweights such as Junior Dos Santos and Cain Velasquez. And I would also like to see Roy "Big Country" Nelson surprise everyone.

i'm 26, have had the oppurtunity to have witness some of the best athletes ever.

Jerry Rice
Walter Payton
Floyd Mayweather
Roy Jones

I can die a happy man

FloridaStriker - my thoughts exactly. By change in the air did you mean all the WWE/youtube rejects that have taken over the fucking forum?

 This, our sport is gone! Well its gone main stream. Have to listen to fuckards now, its not good.

Yea man I'm really bummed out about the Fedor fight. Was such an energy in the air at the house and then there was dead silence and people holding there hands over their gaping mouths. I just sighed deeply and said "well at least it was Jiu-jitsu that beat him". All my excitement for MMA went out the door and I know it will take a few months to get it back, if ever...really disappointing.

MMA is becoming more and more mainstream. It's sad to say goodbye to the days where the only people talking about it where people who trained at least casually themselves.

Soon it will be like an NFL or NBA conversation where the day after an event, conversations will consist of people just repeating what they here some ESPN "analyst" say.

Jay-dog - MMA is becoming more and more mainstream. It's sad to say goodbye to the days where the only people talking about it where people who trained at least casually themselves.

Soon it will be like an NFL or NBA conversation where the day after an event, conversations will consist of people just repeating what they here some ESPN "analyst" say.

Thats how I feel.

I remember when everyones wish was for mma to go mainstream. I never understood why. Whenever anything gos mainstream and has to appeal to a broader audience, the content suffers.

I miss the days when the majority of fans actually trained as well...

It was definitely a sad night.

 undefeated for 10 yrs.

Andy the man - Died last night.

Firstly, Frank Shamrock, the first TRUE mixed martial artist retired.

God bless you frank, you have been awesome.

And then 'The Last Emperor' lost (it was bound to happen).

Fedor you're amazing, enough said.

Crazy ....

There is definetly a change in the air, but it's not one that i'm feeling ....

I felt exactly the same way, I mean exactly.

Agreed jay-dog.

And the near enough monopoly that the ufc has on mma is bullshit.

Great to see a thread with a few 00-04'ers and no bashing on here.

I mean, where are the fighters with an 'aura' ?

The Nog's of mma surviving pile drivers from the likes of bob sapp ?

The Fedor's who are viewed as ice cold russian cyborgs ?

The crocops who by day work for an anti terrorist unit in eastern europe and by night ko people in a brutal fashion ?

Now we have Ex wwe wrestlers (brock, lashley, batista etc) wanting a piece of the action, yet at the same time making the sport look shit.

That could NEVER happen in boxing.

thats because boxing has been around for centuries and the talent pool is easily double the size of MMA, if not quite a bit more

and its hilariously ironic that you are pining for a personality to root for while complaining about pro wrestlers.

maybe you should become a fan of fighting, instead of fighters

Yeah, I expressed similar sentiments here:

Last night may very well have been the farewell for the pre-TUF era.