As of this June, Tony Ferguson will not have won a fight in three years

And that was Cowboy Cerrone FFS.

He needs to retire. He seemed to have all the tools to win tonight. However it seems every time an older fighter seems have turned there luck around they get destroyed

Good, his nickname was dumb as fuck

All those injuries. Plus, Father Time is undefeated. A win over Ferguson now doesn’t carry the weigh it did but he will probably still be a top 10 guy.

He looked good before the KO but now the chin is probably going to be gone. Maybe best to retire.

I keep forgetting how old he is.

He has Iost 4 fights. 3 of which were one sided and now a brutal ko as the icing on the cake. Its over.

He’s too fucked in the head to retire. He could be the first guy to die in the octagon.