Askren vs Maia Please

As a big fan of grappling I'd love to see this. Almost a pure grappling match in my opinion. Demian will be slightly larger but Askren will still be stronger. 

Please UFC, make it happen.

this is a fantastic matchup that will never happen. Maia on his way out due to again. Askren trying to climb the ladder as fast as possible. 

hope im wrong and it happens. 

Who’s stalling and holding now…

Askren is pussying out of the Lawler rematch so why would he fight someone like Maia?

This has the potential to be a boreing fight but i don't care it's one i would pay to see. These guys are probably the two best grapplers in mma and i want to see whos the best.

I’m curious what Ben’s gameplan would be. Make no mistake about it, Ben will decide if its grappling or striking. I believe Maia probably has the egde if it goes to the ground, but i’m not sure who will win if it stays standing.

K1 Maia comin atchya haha 

there’s no way that Askren can submit Maia or I think get into a postion to get a TKO stoppage... but I think he can control Maia and get the TD enough to get the Decison. 

Lets change gears here.... what if they both try striking? Who wins?

Askren has much better submission wrestling than Usman and Colby and Maia couldn’t get off. Askren dominates IMO, especially at this stage, one of Akrens easier fights.

Great match up for Maia. Maia wouldn't have to worry about getting KO'd for once and Askren would play right into Maia's game. Askrens "funk" is sloppy at the technical level Maia is at. Watch Askren vs Marcelo, there is no funk going on at that level, yes it was years ago but that is the base of Askrens game, he tangles and creates scrambles on wrestlers but not the highest level BJJ guys.

does sound quite interesting

maia has better standup, but theyre gonna grapple

We Are All One Mean Species - Posted this on another Maia/Askren thread:

Usman Loss

Covington Loss

Woodley Loss

Shields Loss

Fitch Win

Weidman Loss

Munoz Loss

Every single one ended in decision. Are we sure we need Maia v Askren? Do we not have a pretty good idea what happens when Maia faces an elite wrestler?

Slightly different as all those guys had better striking than Maia. If he fought Ben Maia would be the better striker. 

Jones right nostril - Askren is pussying out of the Lawler rematch so why would he fight someone like Maia?

Not sure how one "pussies out" of a rematch with a guy he just finished, but ok.

ben has to wrestlefuck and end it with strikes

or else he gets subbed

People are sleeping on Askrens JJ and forgetting how Maia does against other 170 wrestlers. Maia has better striking but for that fight he would need to fully commit to training straight JJ to win.

Askren takes him down and tires him out and maybe just maybe even gets a submission in the 3rd round when Maia is gassed. Never know 

We Are All One Mean Species -
Chaddderz - 
We Are All One Mean Species - Posted this on another Maia/Askren thread:

Usman Loss

Covington Loss

Woodley Loss

Shields Loss

Fitch Win

Weidman Loss

Munoz Loss

Every single one ended in decision. Are we sure we need Maia v Askren? Do we not have a pretty good idea what happens when Maia faces an elite wrestler?

Slightly different as all those guys had better striking than Maia. If he fought Ben Maia would be the better striker. 


Also Covington. I remember Maia having better striking till he gassed 

Here's what I think. Maia can outstrike Ben, and he can submit Ben. The thing is, Ben doesn't really have to do either to win the fight. Here's Ben's gameplan. Back Maia into the cage, take him down (no hurry), and immediately get the fuck up. Would it be pretty? No. Would it gain Askren any fans? Fuck no. Would it work? Yeah, probably. The UFC would be better off not making this ugly stylistic matchup.

I want to see askren vs gunni Nelson.