ATT Cassanova

Are you going to take a team to NAGA in April? its in Chi town and i think yoru fight is around that time? i should be back state side in mid of Feb.

Kyles fight is March 6th. We are doing the Pan Ams the 2nd week of April and then he is doing a pro invite tournament in the Ohio Grappling Challenge the same weekend as NAGA. We might have some guys at NAGA but dont think Kyle will be there.


thanks D. when is your next fight?

also is Dave Rawlings still around? i seen they got a new guy up on the site.


Yeah, Derek is right. We have a lot of things coming up, and I am competing the same day as NAGA in a brown belt invite 8-man. Dave isn't with us anymore, but we do have two striking for boxing and one for thai. They are both very good. who is this by the way?



yeah I went to school with Ryan and we played baseball together growing up i cannot wait to get back and train with him. i am the guy you gave all the instructional videos too before i left. I have used them a lot but cannot wait to get back and get live instruction.
