Poodollar - if you have the chance, do you have the time to write a little about some of Relson's street approach and specific street techniques to various positions such as the guard, etc.
I am very interested in training with Relson and hope to take at least 2 privates with him (do you know the cost by the way?) when he comes to Savannah, GA in December. It is hard to find any one site that has his seminar schedule.
about relson:
he is a mad genius when it comes to JJ. a lot of people say the older gracie brothers use out dated jj. well, yes and no. they STRONGLY believe in the basics. but, they know every development that is coming out of brasil. which, they add back to the basic movements of jj. an example: relson can still use the "triangle" guard pass that everyone calls shit. so can caique actually. they do it and they dont get caught. they have the mechanics worked out so perfectly that it is unstoppable. yet here, people write if off as trash.....i am glad they do. makes me look that much better when i pass them with it.
relson studies tapes and fighters like nobody else. he travels with his video camera and tapes everything. if two white belts are rolling, he'll tape it and study it to see if they are doing something that he can tweak to improve on.
he is also great when it comes to modifications. he has his own little approach to every position so that it hurts. he finds ways to make every pin really hurt. for him, pain is the first step to the submission or controlling your opponent.
about privates:
cost might be $150 or so. but, get a partner and do a semi private. that way he can see what you are doing and correct it. it will make it a little cheaper also. go in with specific questions and a notebook. dont cover too much because he is going to load you up with so many details that it wil already feel over whelming.
he is very protective with who he covers nhb material with because originally he did not like nhb. he would always say, "fight for your life, not money." he seems like he does not mind so much now. that being said, he has guys that are about to start fighting and what we are doing NOBODY else does. nobody has used the approach that our guys are going to bring into the cage/ring. it is based off of the many years and fights relson has under his belt. so, i dont know if he will openly teach you his nhb techniques and he would not want me to discuss the techiques as well. sorry!
do not miss taking a private with relson. his energy while teaching is great. he is entertaining. and he really cares and wants you to understand what he is teaching.
if you have any questions just hit me up.
That is very interesting, thanks!
Calbert - are you hearing this about the semi-private?! Come on man, let's do it!
Poodollar - do you by the way know if he is cool with Soneca? I can't keep all the bjj politics straight!
he has brought soneca up to help with tournaments a number of times. soneca is really cool. very funny! sorry i cant go in detail about the positions. but, he really does have an answer for everything in regards to street/nhb fighting. remember, some stuff is still for nhb(no eye gouging, groin strikes) not mma.
my suggestion: take the two privates with him. on the first day go over specific questions regarding techniques or positions. but, have a well thought out lesson plan for the day. on the second day ask him about how to adapt the jj of the previous day for a street encounter. DO NOT MENTION MMA. put it in terms of self-defense.
thanks Poodollar, I REALLY appreciate the advice. I don't plan on fighting MMA so I am really asking for the street self-defense information (from that perspective).
I really hope he comes to Savannah, GA in Dec. Relson has been on list of dream instructors to train with for a long time.
Fats, you will NOT regret training with Relson. Relson is one of the best I've trained w/ ever. Really cool guy, really approachable, and immensely talented as a teacher.
I'm saying all this and I trained with him JUST ONCE. He was that impressive.
If I was back in Hawaii, I wouldn't think twice about training with him.
Poo is giving you great advice....asking Relson about "street" application. Don't forget to ask him about getting into the clinch and cover throws. I would think you'll need more than two sessions to cover all his "street" stuff. Hopefully he'll let you tape it. Be warned, even his light elbows are damned pointy and his heel kicks and targets are likewise .......invigorating :P
thanks guys - does he let you tape it?
No taping, but you can take notes.
he will be on the continental states in januray