Attention Spike TV/UFC

Second fucking week in a row, please do not show the end of the episode DURING the episode.

That is all.


ttt did anyone else see it?

i noticed. i really dont care too much, but they should try to edit that stuff better.

but since this thread is directed to Spike and the UFC:

Please no more Married With Children and CSI re-runs. Please replace with classic Pride and UFC footage. i work from my home and needs something else on my TV besides political coverage on the news networks.

PatrickFreitas - i noticed. i really dont care too much, but they should try to edit that stuff better.

but since this thread is directed to Spike and the UFC:

Please no more Married With Children and CSI re-runs. Please replace with classic Pride and UFC footage. i work from my home and needs something else on my TV besides political coverage on the news networks.

Hey, you leave Married With Children alone!!! But the CSI, yes, I'll give you that.

i admit that i still like looking at Miss Applegate. and i dont even care for white girls.

PatrickFreitas - i admit that i still like looking at Miss Applegate. and i dont even care for white girls.

Patrick, you any kin to Shealyn Freitas?...I was checking her out in this months's UPROAR......