************ATTENTION SQUATDOG****************

 Talked to DW tonight. He saw your post on the other thread and wants to make you an offer.

Your profile claims you live in New Zealand. He will buy you a ticket from NZ to South Boston, meet you there face to face and take you anywhere you want to go in order to talk to whomever you need to that will answer any questions that you have about him and his past.

After he's done with you in Boston, he will take you to Vegas and let you do the same. Then he wants you to come back here and share with the UG exactly what you learned.

What do you want to know? How many gyms he had? How many he still has? What was the deal with Bulger? Was DW an amateur boxer? If so, what was his record? How TUF came to be? Anything else?

If your down with the idea let me know when you can go and the trip will be arranged.



If Squatdog bails ill take that offer! Phone Post

Codymackenzie.gif Phone Post

If Squatdog bails and Trojan Rubber Guard bails, I could use a trip.

Holy shit. While BLAF is at it ask him about flatties and why he hates Italians so much.

Holy fucking epic Batman. I would like to win a prize like that, and the dude gets it by talking shit about Dana....

sheez.. assholes finish first? hahha

applies facial masque and waits Phone Post

I've got a question for Dana: whatsup with those DVDs he promised?

Haha Squatdog step up

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 File this under "Thou doth protest too much"

Was squatdog talking shit or something? 

Edit: saw the thread.

Trojan Rubber Guard -  If Squatdog bails ill take that offer! Phone Post
Me second.

I can shit talk Daner!!!!!!!


Dude, he aint goin. He takes a step in south boston, he's done.

TalkShowOnMute - Holy fucking epic Batman. I would like to win a prize like that, and the dude gets it by talking shit about Dana....

sheez.. assholes finish first? hahha

This will be no vacation. He done pissed The Baldfather off.

Ummmm. If squatdog bails I will gladly take his place. It would be a very different experience for Dana. He would be inundated with photos of my girls, get a lot of positivity and he would hear very different opinions than what squatdog would. No point would actually be proven either as I'm not anti or pro Dana so there would be no converting of a hater. But he would provide me with potentially the best experience of my life (aside from the birth of my girls).

I seriously am only kidding. I know this would never happen, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Phone Post

I just want to go on record that the stories of Dana having enough cash at his disposal that he could afford to send me a briefcase full are BULLSHIT

Oh... and I'm sooo glad to see you on here more regularly Cindy, I hope this in an indication that you and your daughter are doing well. I still have that Christmas tree ornament my family made to celebrate your health last year. We will put it up again this year :-) Phone Post

Northside Strangler - 


 What did he say?
