Attention: Tank Abbott

Looking to contact The Tank. Would like to see if he is still out of our price range or if would be willing to get off the bar stool to come kick some local ass for a reasonal amount. What do you all think? Would he be marketable in your home town?

Anyone know how or who to contact? Any help or clues are appreciated.. Thank you..


you have to ask around tough bars in huntington beach... thats the only way to get ahold of tank

$3246264376443438434236432 for one fight


I bet you offer him $10k free beer and a sleazy hooker he will show up.

Tank can't read - did you forget?

never hurts to ask - No is an answer, not the end of the world.  lm

Tanks a warrior, I bet he'd take a cheap fight just cause you gave him a fun opponent.

Never hurts to ask.

Thanks Cindy. I will email you...

Do any of you think that mainstream people know who Tank is? Or mainly just the old hardcore group?

I think a fair number of mainstreem people do. At least a lot of the people I've worked with over the years, who are not big MMA fans, seem to know him.

"Tank has a college degree.

So does George Bush Jr."

But Tank didn't have his dad do his homework for him...

Tank is a pretty witty guy. He also made mad bank with a guaranteed contract from WCW.

Does he have a CURRENT contract with WCW or WWF?
If so.... He's not fighting for less that $100k huh?

I am pretty sure Tank was on that episode of Friends when that one chic's rich boyfriend fought in the UFC on one episode.

Tank is pretty popular, and besides when people see him walk around before the fight he looks like a bad ass m-foker anyway.
