
Shane Car-Winning!

Can't wait til you come back droppin' dudes with those cinder block hands!

Take er slow shane! We all want you back to take your belt, but don't push your self into another injury.
-MM Phone Post

glad you're healing up buddy!

Hope to see you back inside the octagon soon!! Who would you like to fight for your return bout ? Or doesn't it matter??

Hope all is well! Phone Post


Glad to hear you are healing well.

Can't wait for you to get back at it.

What did you think about Mir's win?

TimeToCrush - I just got reverse psychology'd into living death and don't know what's happening anymore.

Wouldn't that be a dying life? Phone Post

innovative posting Shane
I can't recall ever seeing Reverse Attention Whoring

Hey Shane, hurry up back so you can show Mir where he really stands in the HW division! Phone Post

Shane Carwin - We need a few more threads about Jones and a lot less talk about me. I am young in the fight game and still have a lot to prove. All of this P4P or GOAT talk is appreciated but come on I am sidelined with an injury and Jones is home with his belts. Give the man his due and stop talking about me (just for the day).


Brah, which season of TUF were you on?

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InvisibleControl - Can't wait til you come back droppin' dudes with those cinder block hands!

or even throw a clothesline or maybe a bearhug

Shane, what do you think of Frank breaking Nogueira's arm? I really hope you can go back soon and kick his ass!!

Glad to hear you're on the mend Shane.

What did the docs give you as a timetable?

War carwin!!!! Cant till your back in the cage Phone Post

Shane Carwins poop stinks so bad, it made his billy goat puke. Phone Post


I'm down here in Dallas so I don't get much Bronco coverage, but I imagine in Denver/Colorado it's Tebow mania, as well as it should be!  5 come from behind victories this season, 7-1, What a story!

If you come back and finish Lesnar this time, I'll erect a big statue of you in Central Montana. Or send you a fruit-basket. Whichever you prefer.

Louisvillain -  Shane Carwin killed a bear when he was only 3. Phone Post

 Why would he kill a 3 year old bear thats just not cool


Shane vs jbj lets see it. Phone Post