
We need a few more threads about Jones and a lot less talk about me. I am young in the fight game and still have a lot to prove. All of this P4P or GOAT talk is appreciated but come on I am sidelined with an injury and Jones is home with his belts. Give the man his due and stop talking about me (just for the day).


Who's Carwin? Phone Post

 I see what you did there...

You buggin out being laid up Shane?  You keepin it together??  

shane who-win ?

Didn't this cat used to fight UFC?

Shane Carwin - We need a few more threads about Jones and a lot less talk about me. I am young in the fight game and still have a lot to prove. All of this P4P or GOAT talk is appreciated but come on I am sidelined with an injury and Jones is home with his belts. Give the man his due and stop talking about me (just for the day).


would be great if Jones stepped up to heavyweight where he belongs and give you a good fight. His brothers are essentially " black lesnars. he's a beast feeding off of young boys, it's quite frightening.


BrCutter -  I see what you did there...

You buggin out being laid up Shane?  You keepin it together??  

Started the rehab process so that is giving me things to do that are like working out. I do go a little buggy not being able to do much. I am the kind of guy that wakes up one morning and decides to re-drywall my living room and do it by myself. My surgeon found a herniated disc in my back and was surprised I could lift weights or exercise with all the damage I had going on. He said the scar tissue indicated it was an old injury. I did not have the heart to tell him I built a block retaining wall (about 4 tons of block) and carried it all by myself with my bare hands.

I can already feel the difference in pressure in my back so I can't wait to see how it all works when it is 100%.

Shane you're awesome. Get healthy goddamn it!

how do you feel you would do vs Jon Jones?

War Shane!

fannypack - shane>cain>lesnar>overeem

And if I attack I can beat JDS too. I can't be his punching bag and win but we all know my style is to attack. Next time I will have better movement and more power.

TTT Phone Post

Shane is right. He is very exciting but on the shelf. He would even tell you he's NOT #2 in the world. Definitely in the top 10 though. Phone Post

 Now is a good time to start your manifesto.

Shane Carwin -
fannypack - shane>cain>lesnar>overeem

And if I attack I can beat JDS too. I can't be his punching bag and win but we all know my style is to attack. Next time I will have better movement and more power.

Nice!! Phone Post

Official Chambermaid of the UKTT - 
Louisvillain -  Shane Carwin killed a bear when he was only 3. Phone Post

 I'm sure he felt tough killing a toddler bear... wtf carwin?  i used to respect you!

Had it coming he refused to shit in the woods.

I wish you the very best and hope you get well soon Shane

~Rick Storm~

and how can we forget this!! =)

Who do you want when you come back Shane?
Would you want a tune up fight or just to get thrown into the mix?
P.S Can't wait for you to get back healthy and fighting again. True champion. Phone Post

Need more Frank Mir threads IMO :P Phone Post

Shane Carwin - 
I did not have the heart to tell him I built a block retaining wall (about 4 tons of block) and carried it all by myself with my bare hands.

 lmao.  Dude, that's hilarious.  

I tore my quad off completely in March, got  it reattached in April.  I was going to lose my mind. Once I started doing those rehab exercises, it was like getting a saltine cracker after not eating for two weeks.  I also stopped making fun of those resistance bands and other assorted unmanly exercise devices.