ATTN: Anton Tabuena

 LOL @ "Wanton"

Chael never made millions on something as unlikely as F'ing recycling.

The Internet can make anybody a star in their own mind! Phone Post

15days - Did you watch the new ariel interview with Struve?

He makes a good point at :40

You think so? I didn't get it to be honest. I don't know how me wanting to hype a fight means that it's a big deal for me to fight him. It was a big deal for me to fight Mark Hunt because he was an MMA legend and it was my first UFC fight.

Sean McCorkle fan right here!

I like Struve too - but this is not an optimal matchup for him

I dont understand why you consider yourself such a funny guy. The only funny thing I remember you saying or doing was the Matt Hughes thread and it doesnt exactly take a comedian to sift through a book looking for fucked up shit. Especially with a book as crazy as that.

That tranny thread was pretty funny too, but that was only because of all the people calling her a tranny. Well, that and you being so proud of your relationship with the tranny.

You're going to hammer Struve if you want my opinion. The main thing he gives people problems with is his size, which you match up great with. He'll come in flailing and trying to connect. Make sure your cardio is where it needs to be, work on stand up defense, watch his knees in the clench and get him to the ground where you will own him. Just my 2 cents.

Roo Badley - You're going to hammer Struve if you want my opinion. The main thing he gives people problems with is his size, which you match up great with. He'll come in flailing and trying to connect. Make sure your cardio is where it needs to be, work on stand up defense, watch his knees in the clench and get him to the ground where you will own him. Just my 2 cents.

This guy gets it

Oh, and BTW, anyone that doesn't find McCorkle hilarious is a fucking moron.

Okay, can I have a step-ladder now to get off of Sean's nuts? Everything I said is true though.

Its a big deal for you to fight him, cause hes 6'9 LAWL

I think he made it clear that his internet persona is not his real life one

It's part of being unpredictable, which you are not frb.

Roo Badley - It's part of being unpredictable, which you are not frb.

This guy really gets it

watch out if Struve ever takes your back. its not your face he's going to damage.

the big difference between Pale & Sean is that Sean knows how to take it down a notch, and at least appear humble when's it's required. This is what makes fans like Sean, and dislike Pale.

Two points:

1) Anyone who doesn't get McCorkle's sense of humour isn't worth talking with anyway.

2) The fact that Sean (yeah we are on a first name basis, and a third base stasis) is talented enough to get to the UFC and be humble enough to approach it from a fan's perspective and posts about it here is a great thing. Still sad fucking idiots try to take shots because they can't believe they have access. It doesn't matter who posts here. If they have any type of name the internet era considers it a brush with fame to anonymously call someone an asshole. It's fucking sad.


The Megatoppa - What I don't get is how mccorkle was at one point pretty funny and his self absorption was rudimentry but fair enough if you're trying trying hard to make a name for yourself.Now it's just boring Schtick.. Mostly unfunny and your wit is just as good as the next Internet geek. If you want some advice, don't over do it because not only will you lose fans. But if you lose in the ufc you may never recover mentally.I mean what's the point? PeopleLike Valesquez are champs because they are fighters .. Not fighters / Internet warriors. There's no time nor point to prove anything here other than propping yourself up higher which will inturn give you a greater fall. Basically If you don't intend on being the #1 HW champ you should just shut the fuck up. Phone Post

Or, he could be his own man, act according to his internal scorecard, and not pander his soul away like Tito Ortiz did.

The Megatoppa - What I don't get is how mccorkle was at one point pretty funny and his self absorption was rudimentry but fair enough if you're trying trying hard to make a name for yourself.Now it's just boring Schtick.. Mostly unfunny and your wit is just as good as the next Internet geek. If you want some advice, don't over do it because not only will you lose fans. But if you lose in the ufc you may never recover mentally.I mean what's the point? PeopleLike Valesquez are champs because they are fighters .. Not fighters / Internet warriors. There's no time nor point to prove anything here other than propping yourself up higher which will inturn give you a greater fall. Basically If you don't intend on being the #1 HW champ you should just shut the fuck up. Phone Post

This guy doesn't get all

Chael is my boy, but your trash talking is epic my friend! Keep up the good work and fuck that Dutch bastard up brah! Phone Post

Dear Megatoppa -

I would rather listen to McCorkle (or any fighter) than you. That's what this place is for.

The End.

 I am a fan of McCorkle the humorist as much, if not more, than McCorkle the fighter. The big guy is not always going to be a fighter but he's always going to be funny.