ATTN: Anton Tabuena

So let me get this straight. I am "trying, (and failing) desperately to be a Chael Sonnen"?

Number one, I was talking shit on the internet before anyone had ever even heard of Chael Sonnen. I don't need to copy anyone's "act". I'm also "failing" so badly that my youtube interview with Ariel Helwani has more views than any other fighter interview that was done that weekend.

And a thread created by Stefan Struve about photoshopping a pic of me has over 200,000 views and nearly 700 posts in roughly 30 hrs.

Number two, if anything Chael wishes he could be like me. The difference is I don't use audience plants or scripted lines to do it. What you get with me is always original and off the top of my head. My entire pre-fight interview with Ariel Helwani (which was much funnier than anything Chael has ever done) was all done without me knowing what questions to expect, and without me having any planned responses.

Lastly, if you want to hang around this business for very long, you might want to watch yourself before you get Tomas Rios'd.

PS: Your first name is missing a "w" and your last name fucking sucks. Love ya ;)

 don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

inf0 -  don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

You are still the unfunniest poster on the UG. Seriously. I've not even smiled at one thing you've ever written. You're a poor man's ABE FROMAN if that's even possible.

inf0 -  don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

Was looking for that damn thread lmao.

McCorkle are you gonna roid up or what Phone Post

Don't listen to the haters, you are the one in the UFC. Good luck against Struve I'll be rooting for you Phone Post

KC007 - McCorkle are you gonna roid up or what Phone Post

I just fucking said I'm not Chael!

Sean McCorkle - 
inf0 -  don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

You are still the unfunniest poster on the UG. Seriously. I've not even smiled at one thing you've ever written. You're a poor man's ABE FROMAN if that's even possible.
My romoshops are legendary..... they made it into the UFC before you.


Sean McCorkle - 
inf0 -  don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

You are still the unfunniest poster on the UG. Seriously. I've not even smiled at one thing you've ever written. You're a poor man's ABE FROMAN if that's even possible.
disagree.  the balls he put on that chick were a nice touch. 


McCorkle is it true that ms. Tapout is an ex fling of struve's? Phone Post

nogdidnthavestaf - 
Sean McCorkle - 
KC007 - McCorkle are you gonna roid up or what Phone Post

I just fucking said I'm not Chael!

Sean Big fan of yours I can't wait to see your next fight.Plus I agree your better than Chael.

Thanks. I'll admit that Chael is a better P4P fighter than me, but our trash talking ability isn't even in the same ball park.

HBwrestler - McCorkle is it true that ms. Tapout is an ex fling of struve's? Phone Post

No, but my ex wife is

Sean McCorkle - 
inf0 -  don't forget that epic tranny thread.. that bitch had 30,000 hits and climbing before some wanker deleted it

You are still the unfunniest poster on the UG. Seriously. I've not even smiled at one thing you've ever written. You're a poor man's ABE FROMAN if that's even possible.
I lol'd


Sean McCorkle - 
HBwrestler - McCorkle is it true that ms. Tapout is an ex fling of struve's? Phone Post

No, but my ex wife is

There are several way to make a "how tastes my pee pee" there.  They're all funny.

 btw, what happened to Rios?  Did sherdog can him?

Sean McCorkle
4 minutes ago
HBwrestler - McCorkle is it true that ms. Tapout is an ex fling of struve's?

No, but my ex wife is

Was that before or after the divorce? Phone Post

HBwrestler - Sean McCorkle4 minutes agoHBwrestler - McCorkle is it true that ms. Tapout is an ex fling of struve's? No, but my ex wife isWas that before or after the divorce? Phone Post


Old Feller -  btw, what happened to Rios?  Did sherdog can him?

That's what I heard

Did you watch the new ariel interview with Struve?

He makes a good point at :40

 Can you confirm or deny then the Rios is an ex-fling of Struve?