ATTN: Anton Tabuena

 ATTN all McCorkle hating douche canoes, it was a valiant effort, oh black knights, but the entergnats will not turn of the son she spawned, so GT5O!


Interwebs Task Force Alpha Elite Squadron Commander Chief Trooper 2.3

i like you sean when you dont make these threads.

just go win and stop these threads please.

I <3 you more everyday McCorkle

Theres about 3 good MMA reporters on the payroll, i bet it took him all day to write that piece :)

 ^ anyone know who this guy is?

The Megatoppa - Yeah no shit Mccorkle tucked. Guy shoud measure his mouth before he takes a bite.. You're now known as the Sean 'The Internet Warrior' McCorkle

Do you think a name like that can hold the belt in the octagon?

Next.... it in you?

Who the hell is Anton Tabuena?

Chael's trash talk always felt forced and was also filled with lies that he tried way too hard to pass off as truths. He did a great job in promoting the fight though.

McCorkle is more original. He hasn't had the outlet to promote a fight like Sonnen had but that changes at UFC 124 when he's hopefully featured on the countdown show.

The Megatoppa - Yeah no shit Mccorkle tucked. Guy shoud measure his mouth before he takes a bite.. You're now known as the Sean 'The Internet Warrior' McCorkle

Do you think a name like that can hold the belt in the octagon?



What does it mean to get "Tomas Rios'd"?

Is McCorkle just saying that cause cause he took that guy to task on the forum once?

Or did someone lump that guy up for all the inane bullshit Sherdog lets him foist on the MMA world?

who is Sean McCorkle?

The Megatoppa - Yeah no shit Mccorkle tucked. Guy shoud measure his mouth before he takes a bite.. You're now known as the Sean 'The Internet Warrior' McCorkle

Do you think a name like that can hold the belt in the octagon?


you're an attention whoring pussy with a stupid name

in short, go fuck yourself

Sean's good people,  As someone who has fought him and hung out with him (and OMA at the same time), I can tell you he's funny. 

Although he's too shy to actually say really funny things out loud in public, he used me as a megaphone.

 I think the recent episodes of Anti-McCorkle-ism from some writers are because they realized that, not only can he fight, he could most likely do their job better than they can. 

McCorkle ftw.


Hemlock - 
The Megatoppa - What I don't get is how mccorkle was at one point pretty funny and his self absorption was rudimentry but fair enough if you're trying trying hard to make a name for yourself.Now it's just boring Schtick.. Mostly unfunny and your wit is just as good as the next Internet geek. If you want some advice, don't over do it because not only will you lose fans. But if you lose in the ufc you may never recover mentally.I mean what's the point? PeopleLike Valesquez are champs because they are fighters .. Not fighters / Internet warriors. There's no time nor point to prove anything here other than propping yourself up higher which will inturn give you a greater fall. Basically If you don't intend on being the #1 HW champ you should just shut the fuck up. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Or, he could be his own man, act according to his internal scorecard, and not pander his soul away like Tito Ortiz did.

Well said Hemlock. MMA is becoming a sport where it seems like you have to be pigeonholed into a certain criteria or almost stereotype once you've shown a bit of yourself or come into the mainstream eye. ie. the lay n pray guy, educated nice guy, out of control guy, trash talker ass, ect. ect.

If there's anything MMA has taught me is not to think of guys in one certain way(especially in their fighting style). Comparing Sonnen to McC is rather stupid. I kinda like Chael's antics sometimes, but his are the simple minded type of banter or jokes. Sean's are for the most part quite witty, and over the top like a South Park episode, not that 80's Pro Wrestling stuff like Chael's.

Sean wins the electronic written media trolling category, but Chael is the master of the spoken interview.

Corky #1 p4p keyboard warrior.

Chael "Testosteroni" Sonnen p4p prepared interview king.

Why so serious?

Anyone can see seans just taking the piss for a laugh. In the UK we call it banter. Cheer up lads. Phone Post

CRE - Chael would beat you up easily in a fight though

yep, you're retarded

Pillowfist McWinstrol would get his ass ran over by FRATE TRANE 2.0 and you know this

Sean McCorkle - 
Mexicutioned by Mitrione -  What's your  belt color in BJJ sean?

I don't have one because I'm not stupid enough to train with a gi. I routinely tap black belts though. And Samoans.

LMAO samoans

MickColins -  I think the recent episodes of Anti-McCorkle-ism from some writers are because they realized that, not only can he fight, he could most likely do their job better than they can. 

McCorkle ftw.

Believe it or not, this is probably true. I'm a better writer than I'll ever be a fighter. Even after I become the champ.