The second time has come.

Your boy Barao is defending the title against Micheal McDonald, and its time for our second match.

30 day sn bet for you, 60 day an bet for me since I lost the first round.

The ball is in your court. Phone Post

yellow wrkahlc -

I'd ask when you were coming up with new stuff, but my crystal ball tells me you are busy with work and working on Cain soon. Phone Post

lololololol magic.

Come on Phone Post

In Phone Post

Top Phone Post

Mr Mister - 

I thought he got banned? Haven't seem him post in a while Phone Post

if true, it's about time...

Ya it wouldn't surprise me. I'm sure he has another account if that's the case.

Any help mods? Phone Post

I'm not really sure he even actually liked Barao did he? I thought it was just his sign name and he said Faber was his favorite fighter. Either way, it'd be nice if he got banned, he was the most negative poster on the UG Phone Post