ATTN: Ben Askren the GOAT

I want to humbly thank you for shaking my hand at the Bellator event tonight. We bumped into each other in the ticket line and I let you know youre the best WW in the world and that Im a huge fan.

Im so happy I met THE MAN.

BUT… shitty thing is I was already pre-gamed drunk for the fights and I honestly don’t drink much anymore so I was drunk as fuck when I shook your hand. I would have loved to get a picture with you but you looked like you were trying to stay low key with your girl so I figured a manly handshake was sufficient.

lol tbh Im really bummed but I dont really like bothering people, even famous folks.

But yeah, if you read this, Im a big fan and thanks for being cool while you were trying to remain low key, and Id loved have gotten photo with you had it not been in the ticket line, lol.

ps: my crazy bro vulcan death gripped a cholo lol

bump for Askren/CRE

How did it feel being that close to greatness? Shaking the hand of the The best man to do the damn thing, the man every guy wants to be and every girl wants to be with. Count your blessings as should the woman he was with. It’s not everyday you run into a wrestling god

Oh sorry, I read that as Chael P. Sonnen. My bad.

I was actually pretty bummed about the Cheal/Rampage fight as ive been a Rampage fan since like 2003 but Im also a fan of Chael (he even DMed me on twitter once which was awesome) so I was happy with the result I guess.

I was also at The Forum tonight and while watching the 1st of the 7 postlims, out of the corner of my eye and through the foggy lighting I felt a powerful aura and noticed a funky fro heading toward the exit. 

As OP described, he was pretty low-key. But I called out his first name and he turned and gave an ear to ear smile while rasing his fist as he displayed his appreciation for being acknowledged.