ATTN Bob Carson

First I would like to address some of the things you said about me on your last show.

you "quoted" me saying "I discovered this guy, only I thought this guy would win and so on...."

If your going to quote someone, give the whole quote. Its easy to take a fraction of a quote and make them look like an ass.

Secondly. Yea your right I fought a guy with a losing record. Did you forget to mention that at the time I fought the guy I was 17 years old?? And again miss quoted infomation saying that it was a second round victory (which it wasn't) and that it was "one of the worst unproperly secured armbars".

Your a liar, you don't have a copy of the tape. So how the hell would you know?

I have never talked about how "oh Im a great fighter bla bla" on his forum. Yes I've fought. Do I think that makes me better than anyone on his forum?? No lol.

Then you brought up my former affiliation with

Saying that all I did was steal news from the forum and post it on that site (being the news editor). Excuse me but what the hell you you think your doing with your ghetto ass podcast?? Its pretty sad when you are calling out internet FORUM members on your "MMA News" show lol. Come on dude, your not exactly on the moral high ground of newscasting.

Did you forget to mention I also interviewed countless fighters for our site (Javer Vazquez, Marquart, Ortiz, Sherk just to name a few, more than you can say for your show, which is more or less mindless ranting about subjects that are being discussed on this forum.

In the end, its ok dude at times people can (including myself) come off as assholes over the internet. So next time choose to check your facts, before spouting off about people.



I know, sad thing is I agree with a lot of what Bob as to say (mostly about Dana White and the UFC blackballing).

TTT for filthy BOB to explain himslef.

ttt for Bob to see.

TTT for Filty Bob to answer in 3rd person.

come on Bob where are you??

Filth guy (Bob) you here?

LOL Eniux has 3rd personed the correct

Eniux is good people and a well respected forum member

i support him 1000%

TTT for Eniux

thanks HeadButted ^_^

im starting to think that the whole carson show is just part of a giant troll job. lol at that fat fuck having people working for him. you are honestly trying to say that you research anything on the show? who was headlining ufc 61? what was dana whites big announcement? the only research i can immagine you doing is which store has the funyuns.


Considering Bob.Filthy.Jon is 0 and 6 in MMA competition and banned from fighting by the NJSACB for being and I quote the NJSACB here "a train wreck waiting to happen" I wouldn't worry that much about his opinions of your fighting...

FYI for all screenname carsonsshow is an alterego of Coach Mack Brown not yet another personality of Jon's.

"As for the validity of the show, other shows are begining to copy him, so that is obviously a good indication."

Other shows are making shit up as they go along, saying they were right when they were wrong, fabricating rumors about fighters and promotions, talk about fighters they have never even heard of... and discuss Pride even though they have never even seen it?

Or are other shows copying the pretending to be 4 different people thing...

I doubt any "shows" are "begining" to copy that...

What an ass clown.

FilthyBobJon has got some serious mental issues. I almost want him to succeed with this radio show so when he makes it big the real journalists can tear him a new asshole... and all of it publicly for our enjoyment

If FilthyBobsonJohns will come clean and just say he's John who tried to be a cage fighter, and his radio persona is named Bob Carson and he posts under Filthguy......I will listen to the entire show and give my opinion. Until then, he should go stump pull himself.

Haha nice one uppacutz

Jon McCaffrey you spelled your name wrong...

Start counting the suckas Uppacutz, 2 so far!

Vandalz are you counting yourself twice?

Yes... exactly...riiiight...

bob.filthy.jon.jeff is the lowest form of twit!